The state's armed thugs attack an unarmed old man with a heart condition who poses NO threat to them or anyone. One of the thugs keeps saying "stop resisting", which apparently in cop lingo must mean stop breathing. Don't you just love America the Police State?
video via Lew Rockwell Blog
Jackass Americans who think they can treat cops with zero manners coupled with jackass cops (who are nothing but Americans) who have been convinced tasers are acceptable "non-lethal" use of force... and frankly I'm not surprised.
ReplyDeleteIt's funny to me that this stuff only became an issue when it wasn't just black people dealing with it, but now it's white people (and old ones too, and you know they vote...) and it's a travesty. I remember in the 90's when people were like "Rodney King had it coming, he was all drugged up and scary [i.e. black]." We set this precedent long ago as being acceptable, now white people are just pissed off it's happening to them.
At least they didn't plant any crack on him.
i love how you and the tv news present this. you, the plaintiff and his lawyer, throw it out as, cops attack injured man in his home for no reason, without cause. i guess we are to believe that the cops, by some supreme intellect, show up at this residence and taser a guy, right?
ReplyDeletewhen i watched the "story" after reading your intro, i expected to see an old guy, and based on the poor b/w footage, the guy looked really old. then we see and hear a 64 year old man describe how he fell down the stairs of where he lives and looked to only have torn his pant leg. my first reaction was, musta been drunk.
who called ems/fire? the wife. who called the cops? probably fire/ems. why? cause he apparently threatened to shoot himself. the reporter says the cops spoke to him for several minutes. we see some of that, but not all, why?
maybe it makes our "victim" look bad, maybe because the news only last for a half hour. maybe we see this guy making suicidal statements. maybe because it does not conform to the news producer and editors anti-police views. from who did the news people get the copy of the taser footage? the "victims" lawyer, who off course would not edit it, right?
what should the police do with someone who is a threat to themselves our others, NICK? should they leave them there to perhaps get a gun and kill that wife they just attended the fund raiser with? our maybe just himself? or maybe the next set of emergency workers who get called to the home, because he is kicking the shit out of the old lady, or shot the neighbor, or is trying to burn the place down?
i think the end was most telling, because the reporter said that even if the "victim" was drunk and suicidal, the cops, according to the "victims" lawyer, had no right to use "excessive" force. that is an admission to both charges. also we never hear form the wife. why? maybe because what she has to say won't further our "victims" goal--cashing in.
one last thing, did you notice what the next news story was? OFFICER SHOT. i wonder how that happened. probably because that officer was unwilling to use force, maybe for fear of being sued by some ambulance chaser.
it looks easy when someone else is doing it. tell us about the last fight you were in NICK, and let us critique your actions.
The thugs were in the guy's house without his invitation, then they tell him, against his will, that he's going to be taken by them, he refuses and they attack him.
ReplyDeleteDo you not believe in property rights, J? Do you believe in the right to just be left alone? Do you believe the pigs can use whatever force they want to with impunity? Are you serous in even suggesting this man was a threat to them?
Take your statist Red State Fascist pro-pig bullshit and shove it, OK, asshole?
OFFICER SHOT. i wonder how that happened. probably because that officer was unwilling to use force, maybe for fear of being sued by some ambulance chaser.
Yeah, I saw that and laughed my head off! One less scumbag taxpayer parasite thug to worry about! Maybe he got shot because cops are evil agents of the state and someone was pushed too far, like the poor innocent man in the video.
Jackass Americans who think they can treat cops with zero manners
ReplyDeleteCops don't deserve to be treated with anything but contempt.
dear nick, i bet you would not talk that way for long if we met. i also note you can not answer even one of my questions. do me a favor and take yourself off my site. if i want to hear from an asshole like you all i have to do is fart.
ReplyDeleteJ, I'll wait for an answer to my question first.
ReplyDeleteall i have to do is fart.
That's the smell of every comment you made here.
tell us about the last fight you were in NICK, and let us critique your actions.
ReplyDeleteThe victim of the brutal clown-costumed thugs didn't start a fight with them. They could have left the guy alone, or certainly not TASED him at the least. He posed no real threat to them and you KNOW it. So to answer your question, I don't attack and torture people that are weaker than me like your friendly neighborhood cop does. You may call it a "fight", but I didn't see the victim deliver a single blow to his attackers. No, I don't "fight" like those cops, J. If you do, you're an even worse person than you appear to be.
Cops don't deserve to be treated with anything but contempt.
ReplyDeleteWell if you're going to be a dick to people you know are armed and who are pointing a weapon at you... honestly it makes me have very little sympathy. I still have some, because the guy clearly did nothing warranting the attack or the demand he be taken to a hospital for mental evaluation, though maybe he should be forced to take a class on manners or how to talk to officers without getting arrested. Chris Rock could teach the class.
Ginx, obviously there's a difference between what cops deserve and what you should not say to them to simply protect yourself from their thuggery.
ReplyDeletePerhaps true, but I have been pulled over plenty of times and not had a ticket, maybe because I say things like "sir" and "sorry." It's amazing, really. Between being polite and white, I have gotten away with some crazy shit in my day.
ReplyDeleteI'm just saying... maybe people like being tased, I know there's a huge rise in electro-sex fetishists, and everyone knows men in uniform are so sexy. Who's to say this guy didn't have the time of his life? Some people pay thousands of dollars for an experience like that in seedy brothels, and I bet that guy didn't pay a fucking cent.
Jokes aside... yes, it was abuse and I seriously lost any sympathy for the officer when he said "stop resisting" to a man curled in the fetal position. I just don't have any sympathy for anyone involved except the wife, who was clearly distraught by her stupid husband and the assholes in blue who knocked him down a peg.
nick, we got a 2 or 3 minute story from the news on a incident that lasted somewhat longer than that. i know you are not contending that the taser video the news showed, has not been edited.
ReplyDeletealso your inability to answer questions, or come up with solutions to the problem, shows the deficiencies in argument, i.e. he should have been left alone. to do what, and to whom?
i find it odd that you claim i'm "an even worse person than i appear to be", but you're the one
advocating violence toward police.
since you feel this way, "cops don't deserve to be treated with anything but contempt", please don't be hypocritical, and if the police find you some night being robbed and beaten, or interrupt your mother being raped, be sure not to accept their help. leave them free to assist others who can see the value in their service.
j summ, I’m an anarchist. What part of that don’t you understand? I don’t believe in the state or its aggression (or anyone’s aggression against another). Police, by the very nature of their position, are the enforcers for the state and ALL its laws, most of which violate the non-aggression principle (the drug laws are only one egregious example) and they don’t care if you’re innocent of any aggression against anyone else, they’re there to be the hired thugs of government.
ReplyDeleteYour local cops aren’t even in the business of protecting you. They are the security guards for the local municipality (try suing them if they fail to protect you), the criminals that pay their salary and usually lucrative pension benefits through the theft of taxation.
he should have been left alone. to do what, and to whom?
Please, summ, tell us what the man was going to do and who he was going to do it to. He told the pigs he did not invite them into his home and he didn’t want to go anywhere with them. Again I’ll ask you, do you or do you not believe in private property and the right not to be abducted?
advocating violence toward police.
I’ve nowhere here advocated anything; I simply made an observation about why a cop may have been shot. Learn some reading skills before you make your idiotic comments.
and if the police find you some night being robbed and beaten, or interrupt your mother being raped,
Dear god, are you serious? The cops are almost never around when a violent crime is going down. But give me the choice to be left alone by them when I’m not harming anyone and I’ll gladly take that offer of declining their “help” in other circumstances. But you know what, J, you lying hypocrite, the state won’t give me that choice or allow me to secede from their “policing” and opt out of being stolen from through taxes. I have no option of declining their "services", so what the fuck are you talking about?