Cigarette Machines and Dirty Magazines>
Remember cigarette machines? Well, perhaps you do, if you are old enough. I remember seeing them everywhere once, and they could often be found in coffee shops and cafes, back in the days before the fascist know-it-alls banned everything, including smoking in restaurants and other public places (I myself am a nonsmoker, by the way). When I was a child, around 11 years old or so, and my sister was 2 years or so younger, we would be sent on missions to the nearest store to purchase Viceroy cigarettes for Ray, a sign painter who also happened to be our mother's second husband.
No one ever questioned our age, or reported anyone to the police. We just went and bought the cigarettes and that was that. The busy bodies who want to treat us all like children with Big Daddy Government telling us what to do all the time had not yet reached into every part of life. I remember also seeing Playboy magazine in a lot more locations than you can find it today. It was not uncommon to see it at the checkout stand at the corner drug store, right next to the latest issue of Cosmopolitan. It was not hidden behind the counter but right there in unwrapped glory, and you could actually take a copy and browse through it if you wanted to. That all changed with the horrid rise of the busybody pro big government religious right and the ascendancy to the presidency of the horrible pro Big Government liar Ronald Reagan (may he not rest in peace, the bastard!). Those good old days were not that long ago. I hope I will live long enough to see some sanity restored someday and real freedom reign once again in the United States of America. And may all the nanny state assholes be sent to Antarctica to rule it over the penguins instead of their fellow human beings.