Contributors NOT Wanted

But if you are still eager to post your words here at Skeptical Eye even though we don't want or need you, well, you just might be able to by becoming a regular contributor in spite of the fact that we'll hate your guts. We're not actively looking for contributors, but if you persist, what we'd like especially are those that are libertarians or any variety of anarchist. Others are just more unwelcome, but just let us know of your interest by leaving a comment (with your email address or a link to your Blogger profile where your email is listed) or go to our contact page and send a message with the reason you'd like to blog here, and we'll consider you as crazy as we are and maybe you'd fit in as a new Skeptical Eye contributor.


  1. P.S. If they don't agree with your opinion, whether it be on a comment, they will kick you off the contributors team.

  2. skeptical eye gets all its information from so nothing here is true

  3. Yeah,like SJW pond scum like you are skeptical. Go fuck yourself!

  4. "skeptical eye gets all its information from so nothing here is true". Uh, I've never even visited What are you smoking?

  5. "Na fuck you" Anonymouse coward,, why do you hide your identity?


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