Saturday, April 30, 2016
Cheetos Orange Is The New Crazy
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Glenn Beck was always insane, but I think his Messiah Cruz doing so poorly is now causing him to flip out completely...
Glenn Beck Mocks Donald Trump By Covering His Face With Crushed-Up Cheetos
The Woodstock of Crony Capitalism
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The "Wizard" and his followers: Berkshire Hathaway 2016 Annual Shareholders Meeting live stream.
Friday, April 29, 2016
Do You Have Doubts?
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It's up to God now. Being I'm young, God knows I have much to do to on earth. When I converted to Christianity, It was because of a near death experience. My case was verified and one of 8 million documented cases who reported the same exact phenomenon. It forever changed my life. What I'm about to tell you (and you can call me a liar all you want.) But I know what I saw...and that's Christ and God themselves. Heaven, just like you hear about is so amazing, one can't describe in words. I didn't wanna go back! It was that moving. God told me: "I knew you could do it. I have been trying to get your attention for years. I'm proud of you. It's just not your time. I am giving you the gift of knowledge." What God meant by that was, the bible. What confirmed my case was my ability to demonstrate each and every part of the bible from front to back. It's not possible they said.. They were amazed how i can recite each and every verse and book. I never did before this, even knew anything of, or about the Bible... let alone picking one up to read. If you ever had any doubt, or your scared thinking that there's no heaven or God, let me be the first to tell you that there IS a God and there IS a Heaven.The above was written by a young Japanese women living in America (I believe she recently became a naturalized citizen). She went in for surgery in just the past week for a double kidney transplant. I know her from Facebook friendship only, but she has inspired me many times over with her bravery, perseverance and hopefulness. The updates from her boyfriend weren't good, however. At first she seemed to be recovering very slowly, but now it appears she has succumbed to her illness. He hasn't announced anything further, but she may have passed away. She knew it was a possibly, the doctors told her she had a 50% chance of dying during the surgery itself. I post her words here to anyone who might find them helpful or thought-provoking. God bless her, and may we meet someday in person in the Celestial Emerald City. One additional note. She stated in one comment that some atheists ridiculed her online and made fun of her NDE and belief in the afterlife, even though they knew how sick and close to death she was. She called them cruel, and she was right. What is it about atheists that they seem to take pleasure in trying to remove hope from people's lives? It is one thing if they believe religion is harmful to society, but to hate on a dying person and tell them, sorry, when you're dead you're dead? How sick is that?
Why Donald Trump Is Under Attack
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Diamond and Silk join Stefan Molyneux to discuss why Donald Trump is under attack from the Mainstream Media, Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz and the entire Republican Establishment.
For more from Diamond and Silk, please go to: and
Secrets of TTIP & TPP
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Max and Stacy discuss that if man is what he hides, as André Malraux said, then the EU is a corporatist, monopolist loving intellectual land-grabber, for the EU hides secret trade deals. They also discuss Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan instructing his coalition not to ‘forcibly’ proceed with ratifying the TPP (another secret trade deal) until after elections this summer as voters are against it. -
via Shattered Garden
Thursday, April 28, 2016
Ted Cruz is a Man Without a Country
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By Ted Cruz's standard of citizenship, there are thousands of kids all over Vietnam and the Philippines that are US citizens.
Cruz Plays Presidential Nominee
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..and once he pretend wins the general election, we can build him a little White House to play in, like those play houses all my friends and I had in our back yards when we were kids.
Where do we stand now, economically?
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Where do we stand now, economically?
Well, we are right back at it: trying to stimulate growth through easy money. It hasn’t worked, but it’s the only tool the Fed’s got. Meanwhile, the Fed’s policies widen the wealth gap, which feeds political extremism, forcing gridlock in Washington. It seems the world is headed toward negative real interest rates on a global scale. This is toxic. Interest rates are used to price risk, and so in the current environment, the risk-pricing mechanism is broken. That is not healthy for an economy. We are building up terrific stresses in the system, and any fault lines there will certainly harm the outlook.
What makes you most nervous about the future?
Debt. The idea that growth will remedy our debts is so addictive for politicians, but the citizens end up paying the price. The public sector has really stepped up as a consumer of debt. The Federal Reserve’s balance sheet is leveraged 77:1. Like I said, the absurdity, it just befuddles me. - Michael Burry, Real-Life Market Genius From The Big Short, Thinks Another Financial Crisis Is Looming
Will the US Economy Collapse in 2016? Predictions and Preparations
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Do Not Be Angry...
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Do not be angry, but do not hesitate to cause anger in your opposition. Anger clouds and dulls the mind. It causes poor judgment. It often forces someone to make a mistake. If you feel you might be getting angry, step back and figure out how you can be the cause of anger in your enemy, instead.
I've played a lot of sports in my time, and one thing I noticed is that when I got in the heads of other players, they played worse. I never found an exception to this.
One does not have to be a robot, but if one cannot control one's emotions, one should recuse themselves from that moment until they are in control of themselves.
People today lack discipline. - Bret Alan
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Apple Crapapple
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I am not now and have never been an Apple fan...
Apple Forecasts Another Sales Decline as iPhone Demand Cools
Costco Con
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Hot dog and soda stay the same price, made up many times over in the rip-off membership fees, fools keep falling for the Costco deception. Crony capitalist Costco can go to Hell! - Costco is expected to raise membership fees
The Dead Are The Only Lucky Ones Among Us
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“I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it.” - Mark Twain
I was dead when ancient Rome ruled "the World", i continued in death (non-existence) when the Middle Ages raged, I was still dead when Queen Elizabeth fought off the Spanish Armada, I remained dead during the American revolution, and the counter revolution known as the "Civil War". I was dead when Lincoln, Garfield and McKinley were assassinated. I was dead throughout the world wars. I was not alive during the Great Depression, or the post-war prosperity and "I Like Ike" era. I didn't suffer lose or worry, want or fear. discouragement or anxiety. Man, I miss the good old days!
Sunday, April 24, 2016
If people have to have perfectly religiously neutral motives to teach science, then you can't teach science
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... people say that ID is really creationism. What this is supposed to amount to is not that the propositions affirmed by intelligent design are the same propositions as those affirmed by creationism. (Plato argued for intelligent design but denied creationism.) No, what people do at this point is pull out the Wedge Document and other stuff that indicates that the PEOPLE who advocate ID do so for religious reasons. But, plenty of people do evolutionary biology who have religious motives, or rather, antireligious motives. If people have to have perfectly religiously neutral motives to teach science, then you can't teach science.-Victor Reppert in a comment here: Can atheist advocacy be limited by the Establishment Clause.
Japan as the Canary in the Coal Mine
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The greatest tragedy of the 2008–2009 financial meltdown was not that it happened. The collapse of asset prices was the necessary result of near zero interest rates. No, the most devastating aspect of the financial meltdown is that central planning alchemy lost no credibility. Policymakers around the world are still turning to Keynesian and socialist interventionism to address problems caused by Keynesians and socialists. The twin sledgehammers of central banking and almost unlimited state power have so distorted global markets (again) that some economies are now terminal. The latest victim of the interventionists and micromanagers is the nation of Japan. A once genuinely productive and innovative nation has, over the years, slowly succumbed to the cancerous rot of interventionism. Read More: Japan's Keynesian Death Spiral - How Central Planners Crippled An Economy
Saturday, April 23, 2016
Is Ted Cruz an 'outsider' like Bernie Sanders?
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Watch an absolute professional at work---in fact, one of the best lawyer-politicians in modern history. NOTE: Ted technically does not lie here---but he creates an amazingly 'persuasive implication' Listen how the debate champion carefully selects his words---> Ted, clearly intentionally, uses the word "Fueled' instead of 'funded' to imply a WHOPPER. The audience is clearly led to believe he is funded by the people.-Joe Dan Gorman
Caturday Morning
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I have a hard enough time keeping toilet paper in the house even without a cat. Oh yes, I had cats in the past, many kitties over the years. Lately I've been buying my TP from the 99 Cents Only store, they have a 12 pack for only $2.99, and it's not bad. Not super soft like some brands, but I don't like putting my money where my ass is.
Friday, April 22, 2016
Rain, Trains and Thunder
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Great Train Sounds with Relaxing heavy rain crashing against the windows of a train as it travels towards it's destination. The 'clickity clack' hypnotic sound of the trains wheels passing over sections of train track. Relax, sit comfortable in your warm train seat, and let the cold rain, loud thunder and wind sounds outside help you to drift off to sleep-
Creeping Sharia: The ISLAMIZATION of the WEST
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A demographic title wave is washing over the West, and the vast majority of people coming to demographically replace indigenous Western people are of the Islamic faith. Already the adherents of this ideology have begun to displace native populations within cities, and projections hold that the Muslim population will continue to grow exponentially.
But, unlike most civilizations that were Islamized, it will not be by the sword alone, but via the Muslim womb and the pathological altruism of the West, who through taxation and redistribution are funding their own colonization.
All This Time I've Been Using The Wrong Bait
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An angler claims to have caught a fish on his penis after swimming naked in a Russian river. A video purports to show the macho fisherman emerging from the water with a grayling attached to his manhood. Moments earlier he had plunged into a pool he his friend said was teeming with fish.-Angler claims to catch fish with his PENIS after swimming naked in river
Taxation Isn't Theft?
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"Taxation isn't "theft", it's more like a yoke you have to carry depending on the geographical region you inhabit. Socialists don't understand the meaning of taxation or it's purposes. On the other hand, radical liberals don't seem to understand the bigger picture either.
Truth is, everybody wants shit for free. They want a judicial system to protect their privileges/rights but they don't want to fund it. They want to travel unmolested from Cali to NYC on decent highways but they don't want to pay a cent for the roads and the security. They want cheap shit from other countries but they don't wanna pay a dime for a navy to protect the ships carrying merchandise from one corner of the planet to the other from pirates and regimes that want to steal the merchandise and impose taxes and regulations on their movement on x or y zones.
I do agree that "social programs" are just a product of the accumulation of stupid ideas by dumb people. But that does not represent what taxes are for. The world is a bad place, and it costs money to protect your asses and your properties from the savages who want everything by force. Security apparatus' cost money and resources; specially on a large geographical scale.
To protect your national privileges with relaxed freedom of travel costs a lot of money too. To protect trade and commerce, to protect and maintain infrastructure (buried or aerial fiber optic, phone lines, power lines, sewer systems, water and gas pipelines, communication and utility satellites, antennas, radars, wireless networks, etc) COSTS MONEY."- via John Black
California for Trump
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Here's the thing. The People's Republic of California is a lost cause for Republicans, the GOP there is a shadow of its glory days of the 1980s and even 90s. It's basically a one party state now. Jerry Brown is a moderate compared to the rest of his loony left-wing California Democrats. What Trump can do, even if he can't win California in the general, is at least put fear into the Hillary campaign making them spend valuable resources there. Cruz CANNOT do that, which is why Hillary would rather run against loser Ted Cruz. Trump is our ONLY hope of stopping the Wicked Witch from becoming President! - Trump up big in California
Donald Trump Takes NY: Ted Cruz Delegate Controversy Continues!
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Trump's strategy is to win with the voters, Ted Cruz's strategy is to win despite them...
Thursday, April 21, 2016
Buchanan: Cruz and Kasich Seek to 'Pilfer and Poach' Their Way to Nomination
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Pat Buchanan is warning that the Republican Party will lose credibility in the people's eyes if it tries to deny Donald Trump the nomination. "To either ignore the clear instructions of its electorate, or renounce their chosen messenger, would be for the Republican Party to forfeit its future, and cling to a discredited and dead past," Buchanan wrote in a recent op-ed. Tonight on "Hannity," he said that if Cruz and Kasich take the nomination by "pilfering and poaching the'll be like the heavyweight champ standing there with the gloves over his head, and the award going to the guy lying on the canvass."
The Survival of Europe. Prepare Yourself Accordingly.
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Question: “In a recent show, in context of the Migrant Crisis, you expressed that you were ‘on the fence’ about whether Europe ‘deserves to be saved.’ First, you should know that most Europeans that still have a spine have a distinct dislike for generalizations that involve all of Europe, since that covers everything from the lazy and corrupt Greece to the hard-working and innovative Switzerland – and arguably, a good chunk of Turkey and Russia.”
Ted Cruz vs the Truth About Trump
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"Lyin' Ted" couldn't be a more accurate description of the Canadian invader.
And Cruz has no problem with the tactics of his campaign manager, a POS named Jeff Roe:
One year ago today, the Missouri Auditor Tom Schweich took his own life. Schweich’s political mentor, former Sen. John Danforth, blames Ted Cruz’s campaign manager, Jeff Roe, for contributing to his death and said Cruz’s decision to hire him should give voters pause. As Cruz gears up for a month of primaries that will likely determine the Republican nominee, his campaign manager has gotten significant attention. That includes a Page One New York Times story describing Roe as “an operative with a reputation for scorching earth, stretching truths, and winning elections.” -Missouri Suicide Haunts Ted Cruz Campaign
The Ultimate CEO
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I have created a machine that automates the most expensive part of running a company. It's a programmable CEO that consists of an app in a phone that says, "Pay them less, use cheaper parts, ignore customer requests..." et cetera, then it sets fire to a large pile of money (but only half the amount you were paying the previous CEO).-Bret Alan
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
"Progressives" React To Bernie's Loss In New York
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Basically it comes down to "The Corrupt Clinton Crime Family Machine was unstoppable this time, not Bernie's fault, next time we WILL nominate a pro-communist, left-wing socialist for President".
Crazy Cruz Zombies
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We have all heard Lyin', Whining Donald and his Zombie followers allege that the primary system is unfair as everyone's vote should count. What they do not tell you is that in Texas which Cruz won, Cruz got more that twice the number of votes than Trump got in New York....and yet Trump gets far more delegates for the NY win than Cruz did for his win in Texas. Yes the system is unfair and corrupt as it is designed to allow major liberal states like NY to have more power than southern states like Texas or other fly over states like Wisconsin. All true blooded Americans should oppose this system and Trump's attempt to steal the election. - Crazy Cruz SupporterNo irony or sarcasm in the above, the loon actually believes what he writes about Trump. It's Trump who is "stealing" the election, never mind his overwhelming support in the polls and election returns since he declared his candidacy.
Why I Was Wrong About Atheism
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Stefan Molyneux says good things about Trump and now this! There is a God!
His main theme is that the vast majority of atheists are political leftists, which contradicts their arguments (or many of them) against God and religion. The "magic wand", "Sky Daddy" etc, that fools believe is how God is defined matches their own belief in the power of the state and Big Daddy Government's magic wand of just passing another law and taxing everyone more. Stefan is not, unfortunately, renouncing his own atheism, but there's always hope. He at least says he would prefer more religion and less government than the opposite, and acknowledges that deaths caused by religion pale in comparison to the murders committed by the state.
Jim Bakker Had A Dream About Young People
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Disgraced "televangelist" Jim Bakker of the old PTL Club (he was convicted of fraud and conspiracy) has been back on television since 2003 with The Jim Bakker Show. These guys always seem to make it back to their profession (and I don't mean of faith). Even Peter Popoff (exposed back in the 1980s by James Randi-what was it by the way about TV preachers and the 80s? Jimmy Swaggart has his moment then as well) came back from his disaster and is making lots of "the root of all evil" again (yes, I know it's the "love").
Anywho, Bakker's new show seems mostly (from what I've seen of it) to be about selling stuff, mostly "prepper" items such as emergency food supplies and solar powered electric generators (only $1700). I'm not against any of this type of product or people selling it, but so far I've seen very little air time given on his show to much else. Now, maybe the man is sincere and did have a change of heart (though no one could be blamed for having doubts). He did admit "I was wrong" in a book of that title. But with Bakker I can't tell. He's in the middle in my book between Popoff (a man I despise and believe is as in it for the money as much as ever) and Swaggart (whom I believe IS sincere and always was, even back in the 1980's when he was visiting hookers in motel rooms). I have my own "Jimmy Swaggart Theory" on that, but briefly I think it came down to his personal weakness and Arminian theology (probably more properly his own version of John Wesley's views on salvation). I saw Swaggart once say on one of his bible study shows (I paraphrase) that one could lose one's salvation, then repent and be saved again, over and over again. That, I believe, is the key to Jimmy Swaggart.
As for Jim Bakker, I still haven't figured him out.
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Monday, April 18, 2016
Suicide Bingo (and Anti-suicide Cliches)
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If you have a comment on suicide in general, or a specific response pro or con to any of the reasons given here for not committing suicide, please give them. I may write another post dealing with the typical anti-suicide cliches (doesn't mean they are wrong or that I am pro-suicide). "A permanent solution to a temporary problem" is pretty common. But of course, life itself is temporary and yet a permanent problem as long as you're alive. The afterlife is another question entirely, and may have some bearing on the issue as well, depending on how one perceives the probabilities.
An Anti-Capitalist View
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Obviously this guy is a communist.
Video via The Prime Directive
Sunday, April 17, 2016
Saturday, April 16, 2016
Thursday, April 14, 2016
Cuban/Canadian Cruz
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You can't vote for someone who is NOT eligible to be POTUS! Cuban/Canadian Cruz is not "natural born" no matter how you try to spin it to justify violating the US Constitution!
Ted Cruz Is Not Eligible to Be President
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Black Lives Do Matter
Posted by
The prison population would go down by 37%,
There would be 53% less gang members,
Average IQ would go up 7.4 points, putting us 3rd in the world tied with
Average SAT scores would go up almost 100 points,
Average ACT scores would go up 5.5 points.
AIDS & HIV would go down by 65%,
Chlamydia cases would go down 54%,
Gonorrhea would go down 69%,
Syphilis would go down 58%.
The average income for Americans would go UP over $20,000 a year,
Amount of people in poverty would drop 34%,
Homelessness would go down 57%,
Welfare recipients would go down by 42%,
And, many criminal defense attorneys would have to find another line of
Yes, Black lives DO matter!- Mike Hawkins
There would be 53% less gang members,
Average IQ would go up 7.4 points, putting us 3rd in the world tied with
Average SAT scores would go up almost 100 points,
Average ACT scores would go up 5.5 points.
AIDS & HIV would go down by 65%,
Chlamydia cases would go down 54%,
Gonorrhea would go down 69%,
Syphilis would go down 58%.
The average income for Americans would go UP over $20,000 a year,
Amount of people in poverty would drop 34%,
Homelessness would go down 57%,
Welfare recipients would go down by 42%,
And, many criminal defense attorneys would have to find another line of
Yes, Black lives DO matter!- Mike Hawkins
Monday, April 11, 2016
They Love to Hate (and Lie About) Gold
Posted by
The mainstream loves to hate gold, but then again, these are the same people who were bearish on gold all the way up from $250 to $1,900 (some turned bullish shortly before it topped, but that’s another story). What actually explains all this contempt for gold is the fact that it remains the main antagonist of the current statist centrally planned fiat money system. It’s as simple as that.
Sunday, April 10, 2016
Whole Foods' John Mackey: Why Intellectuals Hate Capitalism
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"Intellectuals have always disdained commerce" says Whole Foods Market co-founder John Mackey. They "have always sided...with the aristocrats to maintain a society where the business people were kind of kept down."
It's a Wonderful Life! (with capitalism)
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If anyone knows of a video called "It's a Wonderful Life! (with socialism)" please provide the link.
Friday, April 8, 2016
Thursday, April 7, 2016
Posted by
The South will never be an independent country for four reasons:
1) Borders never change. Don't google it.
2) Our economy is too small. We would only have the 3rd or 4th largest economy in the world, which isn't near enough to sustain a nation-state.
3) Secession has been tried before and it was disastrous. Just look how it turned out for those British colonies in the Americas. And the ensuing endless war and depression is an inevitable result, just ask Estonia and Slovakia.
4) The U.S. Federal government is a paragon of stability and competence. Governments may have collapsed in the past, but history is finished, see #1. - John Gault
1) Borders never change. Don't google it.
2) Our economy is too small. We would only have the 3rd or 4th largest economy in the world, which isn't near enough to sustain a nation-state.
3) Secession has been tried before and it was disastrous. Just look how it turned out for those British colonies in the Americas. And the ensuing endless war and depression is an inevitable result, just ask Estonia and Slovakia.
4) The U.S. Federal government is a paragon of stability and competence. Governments may have collapsed in the past, but history is finished, see #1. - John Gault
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
The Bright Side
Posted by
I like this video, but it got some negative response because of the ending. Is the criticism just PC bull or does it have a valid point?
One example from a Facebook comment below:
I knew this was going to end up with a person in a wheelchair. As if a person in a wheelchair is the bottom of the barrel where there's nothing to be grateful for. This is still comparing like, "at least I'm not like that guy." It's engrained in society to think of people with disabilities as "less than." Just be grateful for whatever, wherever, etc...
Pro-Foreskin Group
Posted by
The US seems to be the only country that performs circumcision as a routine medical procedure instead of a religious one.
Intact America
Monday, April 4, 2016
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