..I've been doing other things, like investigating urine therapy (no, not really, just wanted to get your attention), reading a lot, and actually getting some sleep instead of staying up all hours "blogging" (in quotes for those of you who realize the truth that my blogging ain't really blogging most of the time, even when I'm doing a lot of it, whatever it is).
I also recently went to a baseball game (which I was going to blog about, and still will even though the subject of 9/11, which was part of that day, is past for this year), had a tooth pulled out, and started writing my masterpiece of a novel (working title: Bret Alan's Guide To Anarchism). I have blog posts planned, but by the time I actually get around to them, they're dated. I might just say to hell with it and start posting all those old posts from the 2008 election I never got around to. Anyway, maybe I'm back and maybe I'm not; I'm not sure yet because I've got a pile of books to read. Maybe I'll start blogging about those.
Another thing that's held back some posts is that I keep missing self-imposed deadlines. By that I mean that I really wanted to have certain features appear on a regular schedule, so that readers could expect their favorites on that day of the week (I'm dreaming of that kind of fan base, I know) and every time a Saturday comes and goes and I fall behind on getting Catty's Corner, a Caturday series, out to you, or a Sunday goes by without a new Sunday Jesus, I get frustrated. Plus I have all kinds of new features planned (such as Stump the Statists), and revivals of current or old ones, like Just Some Stuff, which I used to post whenever I was lazy, and now, since I decided for some reason to post it every Thursday, it has completely disappeared from the blog.
Maybe I'll just post stuff whenever I feel like it without regard to some schedule and be done with it; at least you might get more posts from me that way.
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