Friday, March 11, 2011

Neocons Want Another U.S. War In The Middle East

This time it's Libya. It's all the usual suspects, including the extremely evil Sen. Joe Lieberman, dirt bag Paul Wolfowitz, the pond scum who was a major architect of the illegal aggression in Iraq, and baby Bush's Deputy Secretary of Defense, and the neocon loons over at the Project for the New American Century.

US neo-cons urge Libya intervention


  1. I am a proud common sense conservative who supports both wars in Iraq and Afghanistan but I don't think that we should go to war in Libya. Has Libya or Gaddafi threatened the U.S. with a real and believed to be imminent threat? I don't think so, so I see no reason to get involved over there, as far as war goes.

  2. I am a proud common sense conservative who supports both wars in Iraq and Afghanistan

    Teresa, I appreciate your comment, but how can you call yourself a common sense conservative (or any kind of conservative) while supporting those budget busting military fiascos?

  3. Nikk,

    While I agree with the mission to take down Saddam and the terrorists who attacked us and those who are harboring the terrorists I am reconsidering whether we should be nation-building overseas.

  4. Teresa do you actually believe "I agree with the mission to take down Saddam and the terrorists who attacked us and those who are harboring the terrorists?"

    If you can support the occupations please provide the reasons.


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