Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Low Paying Jobs Increasing, High Paying Jobs Declining

On all those great new jobs this Obama economy is creating...

Several recent studies suggest that the new jobs pay less and offer fewer work hours than the ones they have replaced. Let's look at the numbers:

• Lower-wage industries -- things like retail and food preparation -- accounted for 23 percent of the jobs lost during the recession, but 49 percent of the jobs gained over the last year, a recent study by the National Employment Law Program found. Higher-wage industries, by contrast, accounted for 40 percent of the jobs lost, but just 14 percent of the jobs gained. In other words, low paying jobs are increasing as a percentage of total jobs, while high-paying jobs are on the decline.

High paying jobs on the decline? Who would have ever guessed? What a shocker!

Good Jobs Not Returning

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