Saturday, February 12, 2011

National Telework Week

So, I just learned that next week (February 14-18, 2011) is "National Telework Week" (Ditch the Office: Next Week is National Telework Week).

During the week of February 14-18, private businesses and government agencies are encouraged to allow employees who normally make the trek into office each day to work from home instead.

Yeah, they've been promising that where I work for several years now, but it hasn't materialized. When I first started they made a big thing of mentioning that working at home would be coming our way eventually. A few people in other departments do occasionally work from home, but it's not an option for most of us. I did find out that those who may choose to work at home in the future (it came up again in a recent meeting) would get paid less. What kind of bullshit is that? If it's the same work, why do they want to cut your pay? "Oh, well, but you''ll save money on gas" was the response from one of the managers.

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