Monday, February 28, 2011

Discussion: Sides

I was able to write an entire post about Obama and liberals were able to chime in with their problems with him... but as soon as anything is said about the right, in come the comparisons to people on the left (which never match up in severity).

I submit that the right is completely and utterly incapable of self-assessment or critical thinking, that their bias is blatant and that they should shut the fuck up.

You can start by not responding to this and only giving it low ratings, you inarticulate dumb fucks.


  1. Please people, don't feed Bret's persecution complex by giving one star ratings (he loves getting them). If you don't like his stuff, it's probably best to just ignore it.

  2. Nikk, as bret is both stupid and narcissistic on top of rude and useless and without real content - why not just let him fuck off and start his own blog where he can talk about how great he is without fucking this place up all the time?

    He may well have a persecution complex (it would help if he got a job) but his biggest problem is his stupidity and narcissism (not to mention his fixation with homosexual acts).

    He most certainly is not skeptical but a lock-step statist PC lickspittle.

  3. What was it the alternate universe Mr. Spock (the one with the beard) said at the end of Mirror, Mirror?

  4. Rage in your ignorant hypocrisy, retards. I think I would die of shock of I saw Nikk criticize either of the Pauls or Celente.

    Are you guys even capable of questioning the right-wing mouthpieces you worship?

  5. Well, I guess we're gonna have to ask for your definition of right-wing now, Bret, because the Pauls (certainly Ron) and Celente have little in common with most of those you would likely characterize as right-wing.

  6. Nikk, stop bothering attempting to get bret to think, this stupid is as good as he gets, what do you expect for a parasitic fuckwit?

  7. Well, I guess we're gonna have to ask for your definition of right-wing now, Bret, because the Pauls (certainly Ron) and Celente have little in common with most of those you would likely characterize as right-wing.

    You think privatizing everything so the poor can be cut out of society isn't right wing? You think the naive and childish belief in the free market as a magical entity isn't right wing? What isn't right-wing about them?


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