Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Revolt Against the Banksters

The banksters are evil, and it's nice to see libertarians finally acknowledging that banks (and much else) are not currently free market enterprises. I get angry when "libertarians" like Peter Schiff defend the practices of the credit card companies and when someone I otherwise respect like Ron Paul votes for the bankruptcy "reform" law sponsored by the banks and credit card issuers (legislation that made it harder for the working class slaves to eliminate their debt through bankruptcy).

video via Liberty Pulse


  1. Please, spare me this whiney bitch! If you don’t like BoA, transfer your account balance to another credit card. She mentioned she had more than one. And here’s another revolutionary thought- live within your fucking means!

    Civil disobedience? What a joke! Becoming a dead beat parasite is NOT C.O. By becoming a debtor you have made yourself a slave to the one you are beholden to. Shut up, pay off your debt, and start living as a responsible, self-governing individual.

  2. Don't you see, there are no victims in capitalism, only "those who live outside their means."

    Things like education and health care are luxuries reserved only for the established wealthy and their off-spring, which is why they are thhe two leading causes of debt in America.

    I'm sure it's far more comforting to believe it's the purchase of Gucci handbags and expensive TVs that drives Americans into debt. I'm sure you sleep better clutching that warm lie close to you.

  3. No such "warm lie," - only truth.

    The warm lie that comforts you is that socialism will bring prosperity.

    The warm lie you cling to is that capitalism causes these problems when it is corporatist fascism.

    It’s always easier to blame someone else for your irresponsible behavior.
    Handbags and TV’s? So typical of the whiney, exaggerating, anorexic, commie-pinko wench!

  4. I think the banksters are the main problem, but not necessarily for the reasons given by her. Nonetheless, I endorse the debtors' revolt; all the banks are criminal, rather than capitalist, enterprises in my opinion.

  5. it does seem wrong to change interest rates on past charges retroactively but if its in the cc agreement its valid.

    i agree with rogue though, why not transfer the balance to another cc with a lower interest rate? i think she was just looking for an excuse to not pay. ;-)

    i agree banks got unfair bailouts but thats no excuse to abrogate an agreement. people have to stop trusting so much. read those agreements, ask on the internet if its a good agreement or not, compare to other banks. its true banks, like any other business, will take advantage of ignorance and laziness. but asking the government to protect you through regulations doesnt work as we have seen.

  6. If you seek to evade your contracts, you are worthy of nothing but contempt.

  7. If you seek to evade your contracts, you are worthy of nothing but contempt.

    Even if you're dealing with a criminal organization that is nothing but a branch of the Federal Mafia (as the banks are)?

    Yeah, I guess it doesn't matter that all the provisions of that "contract" are buried in tiny print that the average Joe can't make heads or tails of.

    If somewhere in the fine print it said that you had to give up your first born child to the banksters upon failure to make your payments, would it be worthy of contempt to evade the one-sided "contract"?

    The banks are nothing but thieves operating with stolen or no-existent, created-from-thin-air "money". Instead of condemning the little guy, why don't you reserve some that "contempt" for the real crooks?

    And let's not forget that aside from that, Bank of America received TWENTY BILLION in direct bailout aid from the Federal government, in addition to another $118 billion in guarantees.

    Anybody who breaks a "contract" with such rogues is worthy of praise.

  8. Actually, I guess BofA received even more than that, at least 45 Billion in bailout "aid".

  9. Don't bother trying to get conservatives to oppose the established order. It's more futile than trying to get a liberal to stand up for herself.

  10. Even if you borrowed money from the Devil, himself, the honorable and moral thing to do is repay your debt. The transaction is completely voluntary. Finding out later that your lender is corrupt (due to your own ignorance) is irrelevant.

    Certainly the banks, through the fraud of fractional reserve banking, are institutions worthy of distrust and scrutiny. Look up and analyze the “Mandrake Mechanism” and your blood pressure will surely rise. I abhor their fascist bailouts as much as anyone. Their losses are due to their own negligence and their stockholders should pay the price. However, this whiney, video bitch is screaming for her OWN little bailout, which successful, could very well involve stealing MY property, the same way the bailout banksters have already done! She is just as negligent and corrupt as the crooks she bitches about!

    Here’s a tissue, dear, go blow your nose.

  11. Rogue,

    I don't think it can "steal" anything from you that hasn't been stolen by the banksters already. Even it did cost others money, that's irrelevant to the morality of the act of refusing to pay a crook.

    Taking from thieves is not stealing.

    However, I don't necessarily disagree that people in general, including this woman, should accept more responsibility for the messes they get themselves into.

    Still, someone like her is far less worthy of scorn than the plutocrats.

  12. Taking from thieves is not stealing? Then, I guess you must be collecting government welfare, big time! After all, that is money stolen from me and others. Using your warped reasoning, since the money came from thieves, it’s not morally wrong to accept it.

    No matter how hard you try, your argument is morally bankrupt. You and the bankers are one and the same. A pox on BOTH your houses. You’ve proven that you are just as big a thief as they are!

    How can you not see that this bitch is just looking for a convenient way to back out of her obligations? You don't fight corruption by becoming corrupt, yourself.

  13. Taking from thieves is not stealing?

    No, it's not. And no, I'm not on welfare.

    But let's turn your reasoning (such as it is) on its head. By your logic, everyone who receives a Social Security check (stealing from current workers through payroll tax) is a thief, as is anyone who visits a public park, uses government roads, or any other unavoidable state "service".

    Unfortunately, that would include yourself.

    At least you acknowledge the bankers are crooks.

    How can you not see that this bitch is just looking for a convenient way to back out of her obligations?

    She has no moral obligation in this case.

  14. SE- You’re stretching yourself pretty thin, trying to get out from underneath that rock you placed yourself under. You’ve moved to comparing apples and oranges, a tactic commonly used to defend a failed argument.

    Here’s a probable occurrence. Today, this deadbeat bitch stiffs her lender (the bank) , tomorrow, she stiffs YOU. This deadbeat wench has proven she can’t be trusted. Would YOU now trust her. You’d be a fool. Anyone supporting her actions have proven that THEY, as well, cannot be trusted. I don’t know what business you’re in, but I CERTAINLY will never be a customer, as you have proven to the world that you are just as dishonest and untrustworthy as the video bitch.

    If individuals won’t make the effort to live morally by their own individual actions, when will the corruption ever end?

  15. Rogue, your continued use of the word "bitch" to describe this poor victim of the banksters is disturbing.

    Do you hate women?

    Anyone supporting her actions have proven that THEY, as well, cannot be trusted.

    You're just ranting like a lunatic, now. Proven? Wow! If that is "proven", then the anti-evolution creationists also have a strong case for their "science".

    In any event, should I trust you to treat any woman I care about with respect? I don't think so. You've "proven" your deep-seated hatred of human females.

    If individuals won’t make the effort to live morally by their own individual actions, when will the corruption ever end?

    Not paying the banksters is a moral act.

  16. This woman didn’t mind doing business with the Devil until she found herself in a pickle, unable to make her obligations. Then, she becomes all moral and upright, exposing these “evil bankers” who chose to lend her money. Please, spare me the theatrics.

    If the woman borrowed money from “thieves,” that makes her a thief, as well. The honorable thing for her to do is quickly repay her loan (or move the balance to an “honest” lender), repent of her errors, and promise herself to never again make the same mistakes. Her behavior at the moment proves she is no more moral and reputable as the party she criticizes.

    This woman didn’t mind doing business with the Devil until she found herself in a pickle, unable to make her obligations. Then, she becomes all moral and upright, exposing these “evil bankers” who chose to lend her money. Please, spare me the theatrics.

    If the woman borrowed money from “thieves,” that makes her a thief, as well. The honorable thing for her to do is quickly repay her loan (or move the balance to an “honest” lender), repent of her errors, and promise herself to never again make the same mistakes. Her behavior at the moment proves she is no more moral and reputable as the party she criticizes.

    When a woman acts bitchy, I honor her with the appropriate title. What’s “disturbing” is your willingness to defend such an odious individual.

  17. Yes, it does take some courage and resilience to speak the truth and live morally, to the best of your ability. Now is the time.

    Or, you can sit back and wait a few million years for humankind to accidentally “evolve” into righteous beings.

  18. A contract is a contract, whether it's made with a criminal or not. Your rationalizations are disgusting.

  19. And I can't believe you complain about "legislation that made it harder for the working class slaves to eliminate their debt through bankruptcy." Bankruptcy is nothing more than state-back theft.

    Trying to fight injustice with injustice is foolish.

  20. Your rationalizations are disgusting.

    I'm not rationalizing, you are.

  21. Bankruptcy is nothing more than state-back theft.

    No, the banking industry is nothing more than state-backed theft.

    Your apologies for the plutocrats is what's disgusting.

  22. Let me make sure I understand you: You really don't consider legal bankruptcy a form of theft?

  23. Let me make sure I understand you: You really don't consider legal bankruptcy a form of theft?

    I suppose you'd prefer a return to the days of debtors' prisons?

    What would you do with someone unable to pay a debt? There would be no ultimate way to collect or force payment of such debts absent the state, so I guess you are a statist, is that right?

    The banking industry as we know it would not exist without the state, yet you continue to endorse it as somehow legitimate, even though its "contracts" and practices are no more legitimate than the government's taxes.

    Do you consider what the banks do a form of "state-backed" theft, as you put it? If not, you're just a hypocrite, or at least blind to the contradictions in your thinking.


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