Thursday, October 21, 2010

Escaped Chimpanzee Attacks Police Car

Hey, even a chimp knows the cops are the bad guys! Now to convince Bret "Ginx" Alan...


  1. Yeah, cops are the bad guys for lives responding to calls like this one where some fucking idiot let a chimp escape. I'm not surprised you would side with a primate, Nikk.

  2. I'm not surprised you would side with a primate, Nikk.

    That's right, you knee-jerk statist, there'd be no way to round up and capture a chimp without the dog-murdering bastards with government badges.

  3. You know, you made it personal by mentioning me by name, without provocation. I just pointed out you find sick glee in watching bad things happen to police officers while they do their jobs.

    You can resume throwing your own feces now, I won't interrupt.


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