Thursday, October 28, 2010

Time Traveler Mystery Solved

Well, I already mentioned this solution to the "mystery", but have fun with this video anyway...


  1. The guy is a fool. First of all look at his hair and he is doing the Dio rocker fingers to show that he rocks on. Enough on him. The Sonotone hearing aid came out around 1952. The Chaplin films came out in the early 1900, prob. not later than 1920 so unless rocker man meant something else, he should have been clearer.

  2. ISRAEL, Chaplin made films all way the into the 1960s, and silent films into the 1930s. The film premiere footage in question is from The Circus, which was released in 1928.

    The Sonotone hearing aid came out around 1952.

    You miss the point, as there were similar devices available much earlier, like the Western Electric Model 34A "Audiphone" Carbon Hearing Aid, produced in 1925, before the film footage was shot that purportedly shows a time traveler.

    First of all look at his hair and he is doing the Dio rocker fingers to show that he rocks on.

    Since those observations are simply ad hominem, I'll not make a comment on them.


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