Friday, October 8, 2010

The development of a special criminal class

The old motto often seen on official vehicles is now almost never seen...

Serve and Protect once thought of as the central part of the Justice System has changed.

Serve and protect now has the new meaning of serving themselves and protecting their special anointed class.

Teen gets 12-month sentence for minor offense - and thug gets probation for raping her

15-year-old Ashley had no inkling of what was to come on the day in 2005 when she was in Manhattan Family Court on a minor charge.

She expected Tyson, as Simmons was called, to bring her up to the courtroom where she was scheduled to be sentenced for filing a false police report.

Instead, the elevator descended to the basement. The 42-year-old counselor pulled down her pants and raped her with calm, practiced precision that made him all the more terrifying.

Just moments after being violated, Ashley was seated next to her mother and before the judge. She was too shocked and terrified to report the attack.

She kept silent as she was found to be a juvenile delinquent and sentenced to 12 months. She says her only crime was initially reporting to police she did not know who had jumped and cut her on the way to school.

Simmons, the rapist, found the "special deal" that the "inside non-civilians" can expect and pleaded guilty to rape and sexually assaulting two three underage teenagers. He of course received probation, a slap on the wrist typical of the special class rewards.

"I got 12 months for a falsified police report and he got probation for raping me and the others," Ashley said on Friday. "It's just ridiculous."

Ashley says she was not told about the probation deal when she called Vonsover last week to check on the case. She had prepped to testify in the upcoming trial, but she was now told that Simmons had pleaded guilty.

A predator walks: Letting child rapist off without prison time is an outrage in every way

Our professional for-profit jail and prison system is also not the answer as it only encourages more government abuse.

Judges Plead Guilty in Scheme to Jail Youths for Profit

Judge, Mark A. Ciavarella Jr., and a colleague, Michael T. Conahan, appeared in federal court in Scranton, Pa., to plead guilty to wire fraud and income tax fraud for taking more than $2.6 million in kickbacks to send teenagers to two privately run youth detention centers run by PA Child Care and a sister company, Western PA Child Care.

While prosecutors say that Judge Conahan, 56, secured contracts for the two centers to house juvenile offenders, Judge Ciavarella, 58, was the one who carried out the sentencing to keep the centers filled.
With Judge Conahan serving as president judge in control of the budget and Judge Ciavarella overseeing the juvenile courts, they set the kickback scheme in motion in December 2002, the authorities said.

No charges have been filed against executives of the detention centers. Prosecutors said the investigation into the case was continuing.

To this day the former Judges remain free, have rejected a plea for prison time far shorter than most of their fraudulent sentences of their victims and are under suspicion of hiding assets and fighting the removal of their pensions.


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