Thursday, August 19, 2010

All About Teaching the People a Lesson

Alvin Greene, who won the SC democratic senatorial primary on his own, and therefore is hated by the entire establishment, has now been indicted on trumped up, ridiculous charges to eliminate him as a candidate. Democracy, in the US and its colonies, means a power elite candidate winning, not an “unknown.” Any such result must be undone. It is why Chris Matthews et al. keep attacking Greene so viciously and personally. BTW, the religious right warmonger DeMint is a shoo-in in Nov., so this is all about teaching the people a lesson.-Lew Rockwell

Somehow this guy Alvin Greene–an absolute nobody in terms of politics–wins the Democratic primary for a U.S. Senate race in South Carolina.

Now this makes the establishment elites–you know, the people who are trying to take over the world–go to Defcon 2. People are saying, “This guy is a Republican plant,” which is absurd. (I am tempted to say “which is dumb,” but that implies that the people leveling the charge actually believe it. On the contrary, the leaders of the Democratic Party don’t want this guy winning, either. So they have to convince enough of their voters to be suspicious, to make sure the Republican incumbent, Senator Jim DeMint, gets reelected.)


Anyway, both Republican and Democratic elites see the extreme danger: There is no way in the world this guy can become a senator. He wouldn’t play by the rules. He might actually believe in something, and he might not succumb to bribery. Worst of all, he appears to be so dull-witted that he might not “get” Washington, with its subtle carrots and sticks, and its most-of-all-you-have-to-hide-it-from-the-public ways.

Elites to CNN: “We Have Analyzed Alvin Greene’s Attack Plan, And There Is A Danger”

1 comment:

  1. I want to preface this by saying it's a travesty that there is a five figure fee just to get on the ballot.

    That said... this assessment is pretty stupid.

    There is no way in the world this guy can become a senator. He wouldn’t play by the rules. He might actually believe in something, and he might not succumb to bribery.

    Are you kidding me? The guy wouldn't succumb to bribery because he'd probably just do whatever you told him to do for free. He doesn't stand for things, he's just a dim-witted moron. People should stop defending this guy as some sort of anti-establishment hero and get him the help he needs, maybe a hug and some candy. I hear there's a job opening as Alaska Governor...


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