Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit.
Wisdom is knowing to not put a tomato in the fruit salad. - ("Stolen" from Ilíon)
And a fruit salad recipe from The Squirrel: Mrs. Squirrel's Fruit Salad.
Q. What is the most romantic fruit salad?
A. A date with a peach.
What is Noah’s favorite fruit?
Pears (pairs)!
And back to tomatoes:
Why did the Tomato go out with a prune!
Because he couldn’t find a date!
How do you fix a broken tomato?
Tomato paste!
Why was the tomato blushing?
Because it saw the salad dressing.
Shopper: I’m looking for STEWED tomatoes.
Clerk: Try the salad BAR!
Safe for work, but who's working on Sunday?