Monday, October 11, 2010

Soviet-Style Collapse for America?

Libertarian icon and perennial FBN’s Freedom Watch guest Rep. Ron Paul visited the program once again to talk pleasantries with host Judge Andrew Napolitano– namely, the imminent threat of revolution and Soviet-style collapse. Why is Rep. Paul so happy about these things? They will force us to adhere to the Constitution!

The Revolution: A Manifesto

Is America On The Verge Of A Soviet-Style Collapse? Ron Paul Says Yes, And That’s A Good Thing


  1. I don't know about Paul's "let it collapse" since "it will force us to adhere to the consitution" logic.

    He doesn't know that can happen.

    "Waste no time with revolutions that do not remove the causes of your complaints but simply change the faces of those in charge." -Francesco Guicciardini

  2. I don't think Paul's agenda is a return to liberty, but for implementation of aristocratic theocracy.

  3. I don't think Paul's agenda is a return to liberty

    Yeah, that's why he's the most consistent pro-liberty vote in the US Congress. I know what Dr. Paul believes and wants for the United States, and whatever I may disagree with him on, at least he wants people to be free to live their lives as they wish, as long as they're not violating someone else's rights.

    T.C., Paul is primarily referring to the collapse of the Soviet empire and a similar collapse in the current bankrupt system that will lead to the end of a US interventionist foreign policy which we will simply no longer be able to afford.

  4. Paul is not perfect but a far better choice than retarded corpses like McCain or pretty puppets like Obama.

  5. If McDonald's and rock'n roll beat the Soviets, what will save the Americans? Eh? Huh?

  6. If McDonald's and rock'n roll beat the Soviets, what will save the Americans? Eh? Huh?


    And I'm not sure McDonalds and Rock 'n Roll beat the Soviets; they did a pretty damn good job of doing that themselves.

  7. Socialism?

    But seriously folks...


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