Monday, October 12, 2009

The Cops Are the Bad Guys

It's about time I started this. I have a huge backlog of stories I've meant to post or post about on cops and their evil activities. So, expect this to be a regular feature here, and watch for many more episodes to come of The Cops Are the Bad Guys!

I'll start it off with this link to a recent account of an encounter with some of the evil clowns experienced by George Donnelly:

It was a beautiful autumn day in the Delaware Valley - until some thugs on the payroll of the Plymouth, PA police department assaulted me and terrorized my son just steps from my home.

Cops Assault Me and Terrorize My Toddler Son Right Outside My Home


  1. For someone who claims to support gun rights, you hate these particular gun-toters.

    Frankly, I can't believe I'm defending police officers here, but you're letting anecdotal evidence dominate your attitude towards the police. We need to be rooting out the corrupt police officers and politicians, not getting rid of them completely.

    Also, private security is a thousand times worse. All the abuses that occur as exceptions to the rule under constitutionally-bound government police are standard practice for private security firms who don't have to abide by any amendment.

    Don't you see that privatization is the tyranny? Private companies have bought the government, which is why we're in this mess. And yet you want to hand everything over to the ones who put up security cameras everywhere?

    If the government put up a security camera, you would go ape shit. If a company does it, it's just "prudent."

    I never had a problem with a cop. You know who the assholes are? Security guards, rent-a-cops.

    I will match every story about a cop with two about abuses in private security.

  2. For someone who claims to support gun rights, you hate these particular gun-toters.

    Those particular "gun-toters" are agents of the State, who carry their guns with a "legal" monopoly of force behind them, and who, unlike with a criminal, if they assault you or arrest you (which would qualify as kidnapping if anyone else did it) and you attempt to resist, you would be the one charged with a crime!

    Frankly, I can't believe I'm defending police officers here

    For someone who claims to be on "the left" (unlike someone who really is on the left, such as myself) I can't believe it either.

    you're letting anecdotal evidence dominate your attitude towards the police.

    Unfortunately it's not anecdotal, it goes to the very heart of the system itself, and the abuse has become an epidemic.

    We need to be rooting out the corrupt police officers and politicians, not getting rid of them completely.

    Your mistake is not realizing that the State itself is where the corruption lies, and that anything it does will inherently be tainted with corruption and abuse of power.

    Don't you see that privatization is the tyranny?

    The difference with private powers is they do not constitute a monopoly of force as the State does.

    Private companies have bought the government, which is why we're in this mess.

    If there was no government, they wouldn't be able to buy it.

    I will match every story about a cop with two about abuses in private security.

    As usual, your good at missing the point entirely.

  3. That should be, you're good at missing the point entirely. Missed that one.

  4. i have read this story 3 separate times and it always seems a little off. i did some checking and pennsylvania state law looks to require concealed carry, not open carry. the sources i checked were the nra-ila site and carry, as well as the state site. it appears this george fellow either is making some or most of this up, in my opinion.
    the biggest example would be the claim that someone he did not know or recognize or appear to be an officer approached him, demanded to see id and determine his status to lawfully carry.
    george claims to carry to protect his kid(s), but didn't draw down on an unknown "assailant". what's the point in carrying the piece?
    george also mentions being assaulted by the police repeatedly. where did that occur? he might try checking the definition of assault, as his story, told in his own words falls short.
    hate to tell you george, but the cops acted appropriately in this situation, in my opinion, except they should have arrested you, if the nra-ila and carry concealed sites are accurate.


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