Sometimes a fallacy becomes accepted if enough people repeat it: Guns deter crime. Are people who own guns putting signs on their lawn, like people with security systems? Ginx recently asked the above question, and I replied with the following comment:
They don't have to put up a sign, it's enough if the criminal can't be sure which house has a gun-owner living in it and which doesn't. That is the deterrent. It's also why burglary and home invasion occur at higher rates in Britain and Canada (with their strict gun control laws) than in the US.
If you're a sicko creep who wants a victim, someone's private home is safer than somewhere out in public, if, that is, you can be pretty sure there are no guns inside the house that your potential victims might use to defend themselves.
Criminals in the US are more afraid of targeting occupied homes for one reason; they know that about half of the homes here have guns, and that makes every break-in a coin toss. After all, they don't want to get shot.
Now, Ginx asserts that it's some kind of magical thinking to believe that guns can deter crime, but if we are objective and are basing our thinking on the facts of reality rather than a wish or a whim, then it becomes apparent that guns deterring crime is not a belief based on fantasy or on the imaginations of gun-toting nuts (Ginx brings up the tired -and frankly, racist in reverse- cliche that it's got something to do with the white man's fear of a well-endowed black man raping his wife) but about simple facts, such as that your car is less likely to be stolen if you lock it than if you leave it running with the keys in the ignition and the windows down. Is it magical thinking to believe that locks deter theft?
Let's say you're an armed thug looking for an easy score and you want some quick cash. On the same block you see two small stores, one a liquor store with an armed owner behind the counter (maybe you read a news report of his recent shoot-out with a robber) and a chain convenience store with an anti-gun policy that doesn't allow armed employees, with a pimply clerk manning the cash register. Which would you choose to try and steal from?
If anything, it's magic to believe the police are there to protect you, when in fact they are nothing but security guards for whatever municipality employs them, and usually only manage to show up after a crime has been committed, when of course it's too late, especially if you're dead. The right to self-defense is a basic human right, and to take it away from anyone is evil.
To believe that somehow wearing a government-issued cop clown costume makes carrying a gun okay, but that it's just too dangerous to let average citizens carry the means to protect themselves, is the height not only of magical thinking, but of the statist fallacy (belief in the wisdom of a centralized, collective authority, which in the end comes down to might makes right, because the state, after all, has the bigger guns and the legal monopoly to use them against its opponents) generally.
John R. Lott wrote a book, more guns, less crimes. He's a Ph.D in Economics and actually researched it, so there is no magical thinking. On the other hand, thinking that you can put a bouquet in everyone's hands, sing kumbaya and everyone will be at peace is magical thinking. Anyone with a 3rd grade education will come to the conclusion that the police are a reactionary force and at that point, the crime has already been perpetrated. Since we are lucky enough to have the right to defend ourselves, doing so is a pragmatic choice. Those that don't fight or run become lunch.
ReplyDeleteLocks do deter theft... do you jam your gun into the door to keep it shut? That might help, and may actually give guns a use.
ReplyDeleteSigns aren't used to advertise a homeowner has a gun because it's an invitation for a criminal to arm themselves in your home while you're away or sleeping... unless you somehow never leave or sleep, just sit in a rocking chair creepily stroking your gun.
Also, I never said guns should be taken away from anyone... I'm just pointing out how small the penis of every gun owner is. Don't blame me, blame genetics. Marry a black chick and end the cycle.
I'm sorry you were evidently ticketed or arrested or whatever made you hate cops. It's funny you hate them so much, since every cop I have known personally is a libertarian or conservative (usually libertarian if they're under 35).
I'm just curious, do you think the right to bear arms extends to other weapons like RPGs, flame throwers, tanks, fighter planes, nuclear arms, etc? There's plenty of private citizens under a free-market who can purchase those, especially considering the epic scale of wealth inequality. Can private citizens fund their own armies?
I only ask the above because I have no problem with hunting rifles, some problems with hand guns, and serious reservations about automatic, military-grade assault weapons. I also think certain types of ammunition fall under similar categories.
@ Right Guy
ReplyDeleteHere's my research: the old west was flooded with guns, but it was not any less violent for it. Not only that, most sheriffs had very strict gun policies in town and in taverns.
Getting rid of guns (if that were even possible, which I believe it is not) wouldn't eliminate crime, there would simply be fewer deadly incidents because other weapons like knives and swords don't have quite the capacity for a slaughter (unless you think Kill Bill was a documentary).
Also, I don't hate racists. Plenty of my friends are racist.
ReplyDeleteSee that, that's reverse liberal racism guilt. Don't worry, even my head exploded trying to understand that.
since every cop I have known personally is a libertarian or conservative (usually libertarian if they're under 35).
ReplyDeleteIf they were libertarians they wouldn't be cops, since so much of what they enforce is unlibertarian, e.g., the drug laws.
Ginx, I am happy to know you don't want to take guns away (though, unlike with Hummer owners, it's not about penis size), and as for your question about nuclear weapons, you're talking apples and oranges, as that would not be a weapon of personal self-defense.
ReplyDeletePeople defend themselves and deter crime everyday with guns, but those stories don't get the attention, so we are not always aware of how many tragedies are averted by someone whose gun prevented a murder, rape or robbery.
Libertarians have no problem assuming power, trust me. Does Ron Paul just step down in order to no longer be part of the horrible, evil government? Or does he stick around to try to help? Plenty of cops are pretty damn cool... like all the ones who never arrested me when they've seen me smoke pot (two for two, go go magic white-person powers).
ReplyDeleteAs far as other weapons of war, I see no difference in anythng but scale, with a long spectrum from bludgeoning instruments like bats and even shoes to nuclear weapons at the far end. I know people who own landmines, grenades, and all manner of frankly callous armament. There's really no reason a rich person (or group of them) wouldn't want more firepower.
Check out info on the failed 1934 coup organized by wealthy capitalists against the Socialist Roosevelt administration if you need information on how rich people actually operate:
Libertarian cops! Hilarious.
ReplyDeleteI see Ginx continues to conflate libertarians with "conservatives." Such ignorance.
Libertarian cops! Hilarious.
ReplyDeleteThat is pretty funny!
I see Ginx continues to conflate libertarians with "conservatives."
He seems to have the idea that libertarians are just extreme right-wingers, and that "conservatives" are synonymous with them or at least close cousins.
True libertarianism, however, has nothing to do with red-state fascism.
Libertarian cops
"Locks do deter theft... do you jam your gun into the door to keep it shut? That might help, and may actually give guns a use."
ReplyDeleteDo you know how many times people use guns in self defense in America per year? Do you know how often, of those incidents, the defender fires even one shot? Do you know what the percentage of shots on the wrong target are for individuals acting in self defense? How about the police? How often do they shoot the wrong person? Which one has special training?
"Here's my research: the old west was flooded with guns, but it was not any less violent for it. Not only that, most sheriffs had very strict gun policies in town and in taverns."
Cite authors and/or records. Michael Bellesiles is not a valid cite.
"Getting rid of guns (if that were even possible, which I believe it is not) wouldn't eliminate crime, there would simply be fewer deadly incidents because other weapons like knives and swords don't have quite the capacity for a slaughter[...]"
Stand and deliver on this claim.
"Also, I never said guns should be taken away from anyone... I'm just pointing out how small the penis of every gun owner is."
A psychiatrist whose name is frequently taken in vain on this point...
"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." --Sigmund Freud
Do you know what people who feel inadequacy in some way do when they are unwilling or unable to face up to it? They project.
I have yet to meet a police officer who is a [statist] Democrat. The overwhelming majority are "conservative," and most vote Republican (like most Libertarians I know). However, there are plenty who self-describe themselves as Libertarian. Maybe if there were more Libertarians who were police, we would be better off...
ReplyDeleteAnd I did the research on home defense. There are twice as many unintiential shootings as there are legal intervetions. Brian, you wish it was true that guns make you safer. Wishing doesn't mean anything to the truth: having weapons around does not make you safer, it only makes you feel safer if you believe the lie.
"unintentional" ftw
ReplyDeleteYou can see my post about it here: http://anythingbuttheist.blogspot.com/2009/10/shot-of-reality.html#comments