Saturday, November 6, 2010

Rush Limbaugh's Compromise with the Facts

Yeah, you came to this post expecting substance and a real deep examination of Limbaugh's tenuous relationship with the truth, right? Sorry, but nothing that grand here. I just happened to catch the "talent on loan from God" blowhard on my way to work the other day and he was talking about the mid-term election results and how winners don't compromise, meaning I guess that the new Republican House should set the agenda for the next two years and not "compromise" with those dastardly Democrats.

But then Limbaugh began to launch into a whole thing about Ronald Reagan and his election as President in 1980.  He said Reagan won 49 states that year, when actually he won only 44. Okay,still a big victory, but little details are important, why get them wrong? Reagan did go on to win 49 states in the hilarious 1984 election, when news anchors tried to create suspense by speculating on whether or not Reagan would win all 50 states or would Walter Mondale (the Democratic Nominee) win his home state of Minnesota. 

Then the Big Fat Liar said that Reagan had to face a Democrat  Congress, and I think he mentioned the Senate as well, but the Senate went Republican as well in 1980, though the House stayed in the hands of the donkeys. So, two facts that someone much older than me should have known if I did.

Limbaugh wanted to make the point that even though Reagan had an opposition Congress, he got much of his program passed including the tax cuts that reduced the top rate from 70% to 28%. True, but Tip O'Neil, the then Speaker of the House, didn't roll over either. He fought the tax cuts and a lot of Reagan's other proposals tooth and nail.

So, that's all. I just get easily irritated when someone who thinks so much of themselves can't get such well-known facts correct.


  1. I actually heard the same show. How cool is that?

  2. Yes, T.C. (The Cool).

    Are you a regular listener to Limbaugh or did you just happen to catch it this time?

  3. Actually, I have access to him everyday if I want. I tune in from time to time.

    In small dosages he's fine.

    He's no worse or better than your Jim Rome's, Howard Stern's or Keith Olbermann's.


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