One thing we can all agree on is that at least we in the US are living under what is left of a constitutional republic designed to be guided by freely elected representatives.
That constitution has flaws, clear now possibly and likely even more so than at the beginning, many of the flaws were pointed out at the time by the “Anti-Federalists”, and others as proven by Thomas Jefferson (technically not an anti-federalist but Agrarian) and Patrick Henry. The central concern often is identified as the concern for possible despotism, a concern that has thoroughly proven accurate as we can see now in the despotism in our current mercantilist oligarchy.
My personal theory is that the current mercantilist oligarchy was designed and deliberate (in form if not in detail) by the Federalists or more accurately the Hamiltonian faction of the Federalists. The term "anti-Federalist" was later applied an emerging political faction and of course this only adds to the confusion.
Regardless of the historical content, many of the subsequent court rulings in history favor the rights of the individual under constitutional protection. Notable exceptions of anti-freedom destruction of personal rights includes the recent neocon/neo-Trotskyite attacks on the few rights not already diminished by collectivists or statists like Wilson, FDR, LBJ or the peak of Hamiltonian mercantilists under Abe Lincoln.
Many who currently label themselves progressive (new) or liberal (new, not classical) will contend that protections need to be more “flexible” the masses are not capable of guiding good choices themselves (and this may be true). So often the "flexibility” increases government intrusion, the “nanny state” where twisted ideas such as Keynesian economics flourish and then augment the true rule by oligarchy and political whores we suffer under today. Often the “wet” politics continue propagandistic emotional themes like “support the underprivileged” or “the children” in attempts to gain the emotional support from the ignorant public necessary for mass manipulation.
Our sad reality is that, deliberate or intentional, the continued move into more government intervention “for our own good” has progressed the power of the current ruling oligarchy, forming a combination of fascism, socialism, and mercantilism into a new and never seen creation custom made for the ruling elite.
Arguments over individual rights have become exercises in “how many angels can dance on a pin point” when the simple base is the right of the individual to person, property, free interaction with other willing competent individuals and self protection are results of the thoughts from the enlightenment.
Rights for everyone translates into danger, it is a great risk, but the alternative is not desirable, likely combination of “A brave new world”-“ Idiocracy” and just bits of “1984” for flavor, we can see this now - at least the few not blinded by personal delusional thinking.
Right to privacy is now simply an exercise in “how many angels can dance on a pin point” that and other rights are long under attack and the individual is not winning.
You posted this at 2:00 pm, hmm?
ReplyDeleteThat could depend on the time zone...
ReplyDeleteIt was a reply to "Obama Wants Wider Wiretap Law for Web” comments.
ReplyDeleteThe time my be the time started??? Hell if I know...
Bret, I adjusted the time on the post as Radio apparently posted after you, but did not readjust the post time.
ReplyDeleteMy post editor automatically sets the post time for when the post is actually published, but Radio's (at least when he publishes here) may not, but instead shows the time when the post was started. His post did come after yours, and I know because I checked the blog when you published your last post, and Radio had not published yet. I just want the post times to reflect, if possible, the order in which they're posted.
All times, by the way, are Mountain Standard.
ReplyDeleteSo there is a lag time from starting the post and publishing, but the “counter” can sometimes show start time as publish time?
ReplyDeleteNot that it makes any change in the content it is clearly a response to comments from earlier.
the continued move into more government intervention “for our own good”
ReplyDeleteRight, because anarchists aren't telling people they have too much government for their own good...
Also, when did you fags come up with the "nanny state" idiom? I miss big brother and Orwellian or all those other one that actually required you read a book to understand it. I guess with the increased number of idiots in the tea party movement, they went with something over-privileged white people understood: a nanny.
...because there's nothing more threatening than Mary fucking' Poppins...
So there is a lag time from starting the post and publishing, but the “counter” can sometimes show start time as publish time?
ReplyDeleteUnless you manually edit the time (if you don't have the auto post time setting) the published time will be set as the time you started the post, which means if you started a post two days ago, but just published today, it might not even show up on the main page when you post it.
My advice: write the post in Word and when you're done, start a new post and cop/paste. It prevents a lot of spelling errors and makes your apostrophes and quote marks extra neat.
ReplyDelete[Ought to do it with comments, too...]
Bret you not only post reactionary, and offensive diatribes you add incomprehensibly obtuse for good measure. I don’t understand - that is, unless you are going for the Andy Kaufman angle, and he wasn’t funny with his elitist junk.
ReplyDeleteEquating the position of anarchists with the statist position is delusional.
Telling people they shouldn't assemble to govern themselves is not very voluntarist. Just because the game doesn't work precisely that way an anarchist likes, they want to throw the board.
ReplyDeleteRight, because anarchists aren't telling people they have too much government for their own good...
ReplyDeleteRight, just like those dissidents in the USSR were as bad as Stalin, telling fine Soviet citizens they were living in a police state! How dare they impose their anti-Stalinism on everyone! "We can have as much Stalin as we want!" shouted the people, "and no one will tell us otherwise!".
No, Bret, anarchists are telling the state that it has no special right to impose on anyone, and that no one can use the state to impose their will (or the majority's will) on someone who has not consented.
Telling people they shouldn't assemble to govern themselves is not very voluntarist.
Who tells people that? Not any anarchist that I know.
This whole site is dedicated to persuading people to reject the very idea of government, which is perhaps why it never provides any means of solving problems. I suppose it is dangerous to say the state shouldn't exist, and that is unfortunate. You know I support your right to say "reject the government" without suits knocking on your door, but there must be some sort of constructive action that someone who is outraged by the government can tangibly take besides just saying "fuck the government."
ReplyDeleteSee look:
Fuck the government.
Not only did nothing change, I don't feel any better, or more free. Maybe this is why I find anarchism unsatisfying... there's no point in pretending we can live in an anarchy when organized states exist, so I think we ought to be doing something to make our state more closely resemble what we want.
"I think we ought to be doing something to make our state more closely resemble what we want.”
ReplyDeleteAnd voting for one of two heads of the same beast ruled by an intrenched oligarchy of elite's -
yep things will all be better, we can all make a real change...
The definition of political religionist.
When have I ever said "vote democrat/republican"?
ReplyDeleteI haven't, and maybe there are no other options because people like you sit on their hands whining about everything.
Does that make anarchists part of the problem? I don't know, but I have to wonder.
"When have I ever said "vote democrat/republican”?”
ReplyDeleteYou don’t have to there are no other choices 99% of the time...
"I haven't, and maybe there are no other options because people like you sit on their hands whining about everything.”
Nice try Bret, sit on my hands? You don’t know shit...
Like your whining college boy brat ass has done anything other than find the best source for drugs to spend your weekends half comatose...
Get a job, or did college not give you the skills needed to find one?
Imagine that...
You don’t have to there are no other choices 99% of the time...
ReplyDeleteThanks in no small part to your generation's inability to comprehend a more complex system than two parties. I just showed up, why don't you stand back, old man, and let someone try something different.
Oh right, because the great and all powerful you failed, we should just give up.
And attack me all you want. If that's how you want to spend the last few years of your life, go crazy. It's ridiculous that you would mock someone for going to college when you can't even spell "Blogger" correctly.
"Thanks in no small part to your generation's inability to comprehend a more complex system than two parties.”
ReplyDeleteNice try Bret - that would be the two generations before...
"why don't you stand back, old man, and let someone try something different.”
I intend to stand back when I see something rational, logical and workable - nothing I have seen from you remotely fits that description. Others of you age and younger do have great ideas, the swill from you not even close. I defend the “youth” from the criticisms of my and older generations, you are already too old to be innocent politically.
"And attack me all you want. If that's how you want to spend the last few years of your life, go crazy. It's ridiculous that you would mock someone for going to college when you can't even spell "Blogger" correctly.”
Nice try whiny little college puke, get a job... Oh yea, conditions are not all that great for mediocre narcissists to get a job...
Lets all be honest, talented people can find a job in the worst of times, bad times make it hard for the bland, mediocre, or talentless.
I don’t have to spell correctly, I can just hire the next available college puke with just a hint of talent to do that work... grammar skills never changed the world.
Funny you talk about attacking others - I could pull up pages and pages of semi-cognizant blithering from you attacking others, I don’t mock your programming in college just that anything worthwhile... did not stick.
Nice try Bret - that would be the two generations before...
ReplyDeleteWho gives a shit if it was broken when you got there? Thanks for not fixing it.
you are already too old to be innocent politically.
My generation is statistically least likely to buy into the two party system.
I don’t mock your programming in college just that anything worthwhile... did not stick.
Really, cause that seems to be all you do, is try desperately to make every comment flame war about me, not what I wrote or how much of a sniveling piece of decrepit shit you are.
Bret, continue your delusions, for now...
ReplyDeleteI get it - the narcissism combined with your sub-par education, mediocre skills and excessive programing has you stuck without a job, frustrating to be sure.
Continuous wondering about who will be generous enough to give you some scratch for your next hit and the frustration of this combined with the fact that you are expected to actually support yourself gives you the reactive delusional defensive direction you take on a regular basis.
The delusion is clear to everyone but you, that’s ok, I actually pity you. You -can- get out of a rut, get a job and grow up, you may actually feel better and shed some of that programing, delusions, and reactionary hatred.
Did you seriously just try to call me a junkie? That's a new one.
ReplyDeleteOkay, let's say I'm a drug addict, for argument's sake. Tomorrow, when I wake up, I'll be clear headed, but you'll still be old (in fact, older) and suffering from Alzheimer's.
I didn’t call you a “junkie” Bret - you have a problem with that for some reason.
ReplyDeleteYou are the one bragging about the excessive list of illicit and legal drugs you have and do partake in enjoying - more than a bit irresponsible and nothing to take pride in just as sex with hookers unprotected is nothing to take pride in partaking therein.
Not even close to the age of risk for AD and with past NSAID use for an injury along with a vegetarian diet chances drop to less than 1/10 the average possibility - nice thought for you but no dice.
As for you actually waking up with a “clear head” that likely is the most delusional thing you have ever posted.
So when are you going to revert back to “faggot” I miss that a bit from your standard formula, "old faggot" is even better.
So when are you going to realize you are going to have to get a job you are qualified for (Taco Bell always has openings) is not your SO a bit haggard after all this time with you as a parasite? Or are the parents feeling generous even after all that flushed money for college?
I didn’t call you a “junkie”
ReplyDeleteContinuous wondering about who will be generous enough to give you some scratch for your next hit
Is it scary living with Alzheimer's?
That does not call you a junkie any more that your thinly veiled connections to criminal acts or other offensive things you like to throw into your posts.
ReplyDeleteTaco Bell turn you down for a job and getting frustrated? Oh I forgot the corporate policy calls for drug testing and that would mess up your weekends (and likely your afternoons, TV time, lunch break, and 4 o'clock tea).
Your favorite old faggot -