Monday, January 10, 2011

Rep. Giffords Subscribed to Jared Lee Loughner's YouTube Channel

...there, at the bottom left of her home page, is a section with the heading, “Subscriptions (2),” with two photo boxes below.

The photo to the right turns out to be former Democratic Congressman Ike Skelton of Missouri, who lost last November to his Republican opponent, Vicky Hartzler.

The photo box to the left is blank (no photo inside), and the caption underneath simply says “Classit…” It is not until you click on the photo box and land on the page that you see it identified as: “Jared Lee Loughner. Classitup10’s Channel.”

The anonymous nature of the listing on Gifford’s home page undoubtedly explains why this has not come to the public’s attention—until now.-Spooky! Jared Lee Loughner Is on Rep. Gifford’s YouTube Channel

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