Saturday, January 22, 2011

BBC's Biased Reporting of Global Warming - The Consequences


  1. Let me get something straight... if something has been reported in a biased manner, that means it cannot be true?

  2. It may or may not be true, but how can the public decide if the "news" media have a biased agenda? As usual, you miss the point entirely.

  3. Great Post! I'm putting you on my blog list.

  4. Thanks Joe! I'll be sure to check out your blog.

  5. Like how you get all of your data from oil company shills?

    The fact that you would cry "bias" on this is laughable on an unimaginable scale.

  6. laughable on an unimaginable scale

    So you think I'm a clown, I'm here to amuse you?

  7. Right, Bret, the idea that there is a "liberal" pro-state bias in the mainstream media is just a fantasy. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!


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