Monday, June 29, 2009

Franc tries to justify collectivism again...and fails again

Poor, poor Franc. SE and I continue to pick on him, and he never gives us a reason to let up. His latest lame-brained attempt to justify collectivism: Profit is not justified by entrepreneurial risk.

He writes:

The “libertarian” capitalists often use risk as their rationale for accepting the profit motive. In this reasoning, profit is the reward that capitalist owners get for taking the risks that the workers aren’t taking.

Actually, no. Risk is an important factor, no doubt about it. But time preference is equally important. Some people are willing to take the money and run, while others are willing to wait if compensated with profit.

And of course, the most important factor of all--at least from a libertarian perspective--is the "mind your own goddamn business" factor. There is no reason for consenting adults to have to "justify" anything to Franc, or to any other collectivist. They can set up whatever contracts or conditions for use of each other's property that they damn well please. They act in their own self-interest, and simply disregard the arbitrary moralists and mystics of the Tremblay and Chomsky variety.

If I'm only willing to lend you my property on the condition that you give me part of what you produce with it, then tough luck! Even if there was nothing in it for your sorry ass at all (and there is), it doesn't mean I have to "justify" diddily shit.

For one thing, this is absolute bollocks, since the workers take just as much risk as the owners. If the workers were taking the same risks and responsibilities as the owners, they would be the owners.

Workers have to contend with losing their jobs

What they don't have to worry about losing is all their money (which in Franc's world will grow on trees, right inside of the magical mutual banks with zero interest rates).

Franc goes on with his Marxist beliefs:

Let us be clear on this: the capitalist concept of profit is nothing more than a rent on capital, predicted on the concept that capital participates in the making of the full product. Benjamin Tucker has already refuted this nonsense 120 years ago. Capital is not owed a wage because only people produce, not money or tools. Profit is therefore nonsense.

So a person who puts extensive time, effort, or money into the capital being used is worthless and has done nothing significant. Brilliant insight!

Maybe Franc picked this up from Obama's book. Or a Mao Zedong speech, perhaps?

But more importantly, if it’s true that risk-taking is a skill that capitalist owners must have in order for their business to be successful, then it should be a job rewarded like any other. Just as mutual banks providing capital should be rewarded for their work, not with rent on capital but with a wage, risk assessers should be rewarded for their work, not with rent on capital but with a wage.

Spoken like a Soviet central planner! Dictator Franc will decide through fiat how payment will work, who will be "rewarded," and who will be eligible to receive wages.

As George Reisman has warned, Franc's doctrine is economic suicide. His freakishly bizarre system (no profits, no interest, no rent) would have almost zero capital accumulation, and thus very low standards of living. But that has always been the goal of collectivism: to make everyone equally miserable.


  1. I see Franc's post received a comment from George Donnelly:

    Bollocks? Owners risk their own money and copious amounts of unpaid time to get a business off the ground. Employees are paid for every hour of their time. Lenient bankruptcy rules? So what, all that investment of money, assets and/or time has still been lost of the business fails.

    “then it should be a job rewarded like any other”

    Who is doing the alleged rewarding here? You left out the doer of this scheme of yours.

    Money or tools may not produce on the own but they do augment the person’s ability to produce.

    Of course Franc will deny once again that he is any kind of collectivist, but once again we can ask who will enforce the rules of his harebrained system?

  2. A democratically elected worker's czar, of course.

    Arbeit macht frei!

  3. Specious logic indeed.

    Talk about short changing and misunderstanding entrepreneurs and over rating the proletariat.

    It's like they live in the bizarro world.

  4. Maybe you should understand the context before to vomit your rotten shit on François!

    This François Tremblay's post came after some vulgar libertarian bullshitters like you came in my blog to spit their own shit about the "marvelous capitalist system" and the "marvelous profit".

    Oh yeah! Captalism rules and only winners should live!

  5. "But time preference is equally important."

    Time preference is important if you're agree with profit. But profit is a vice (not a crime, though)

    "There is no reason for consenting adults to have to "justify" anything to Franc, or to any other collectivist. "

    Actually, he NEVER SAID THAT!

    "And of course, the most important factor of all--at least from a libertarian perspective--is the "mind your own goddamn business" factor."

    If you're serious about this, thus you have to be agree with François! Other's freedom are also "your own goddamn business"! You can't be free of the others aren't!

    "the Tremblay and Chomsky variety."

    Tremblay and Chomsky isn't the same variety!

    "They can set up whatever contracts or conditions for use of each other's property that they damn well please."

    Same thing should apply to ALL PEOPLE and the proprietarian ideology denies that! You cannot impose your fucking conditions by violence!

    "If I'm only willing to lend you my property on the condition that you give me part of what you produce with it, then tough luck! Even if there was nothing in it for your sorry ass at all (and there is), it doesn't mean I have to "justify" diddily shit"

    But, don't complain if nobody accept that fucking "contract"!

    " If the workers were taking the same risks and responsibilities as the owners, they would be the owners. "

    But you can't deny the fact that workers also take risks (losing their jobs, their houses etc..), especially in the capitalist system, where the job supply is restricted.

    "What they don't have to worry about losing is all their money"

    Not applicable in the capitalist system. Moreover, in a mutualist system, workers will become co-entrepreneurs and they will also take this kind of risk.

    "(which in Franc's world will grow on trees, right inside of the magical mutual banks with zero interest rates)."

    You belittle this capitalism bullshit. In the capitalist system with state-controled money, this "money grows in trees" bullshit actually exists!

    Also, you seem to forget the "free credit system" that François agrees for! Actually, there's no such free credit system!

    "So a person who puts extensive time, effort, or money into the capital being used is worthless and has done nothing significant. Brilliant insight!"


    "Maybe Franc picked this up from Obama's book. Or a Mao Zedong speech, perhaps?"

    "Spoken like a Soviet central planner! Dictator Franc will decide through fiat how payment will work, who will be "rewarded," and who will be eligible to receive wages"

    This is utterly idiot!

    "As George Reisman has warned, Franc's doctrine is economic suicide."

    Who cares about George Reisman? But you know that, he's right, it'll be an economic suicide! THIS WILL BE THE END OF THE MARVELOUS WORLD OF SHYLOCKEAN PROFITS FOR FAT-ASS EXPLOITERS!

    "His freakishly bizarre system (no profits, no interest, no rent) would have almost zero capital accumulation, and thus very low standards of living. But that has always been the goal of collectivism: to make everyone equally miserable."

    Again, this is utterly idiot. Mutualism is WAY MORE DIFFERENT than statist socialists systems! State violence and capitalism cause poverty, not freedom!

    I have a question for you, when the real free-market anti-capitalist structure will occur, which profit will stand? A liliputian pure entrepreneurial profit in some natural monopolies or oligopolies? Maybe, but nothing else!

    The actual shylockean capitalism profit structure (based on political rent and state-created monopolies) is a shame and you should criticize more that shit and made less time-consuming vomiting on François!

  6. "Employees are paid for every hour of their time."


    "Lenient bankruptcy rules? So what, all that investment of money, assets and/or time has still been lost of the business fails."

    Do you agree with the fact that you shouldn't using the "bankruptcy" as an excuse to steal money to other people? I hope yes!

    "but once again we can ask who will enforce the rules of his harebrained system?"

    In fact, he never actually ask for someone to enforce these so-called "rules! He's just proposing a particular form of anarchist organisation.

    Of course Cork will deny once again that he is any kind of capitalist, but once again we can ask who will enforce the rules of his harebrained "property" system?

    "A democratically elected worker's czar, of course.

    Arbeit macht frei!"

    Utterly idiot, again!

  7. @The Commentator

    Maybe you should actually READ HIS POST before womiting that kind of shit!

    François is not a collectivist like the statist-collectivists we all hate!


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