I want to officially welcome Cork to Skeptical Eye as a contributor. As a market anarchist and fellow unbeliever, I believe he will make a significant contribution to this blog. This doesn't mean that I will agree with everything he says, nor, I'm sure, will he find all my opinions necessarily to his liking.
But if Cork offends you, that might be a good thing, especially if you engage in open discussion in the comments. As always, all are welcome here, even those who strongly disagree, but let us all keep the debate as civil as possible.
Skeptical Eye is not a "conservative" or a "liberal" blog, it's not even right or left. But it is pro-freedom and pro-liberty and will continue to "Oppose the Machinery of Mass Conformity".
Thanks! Happy to be on board. The powerful need a good bitch-slapping, and that's exactly what we'll give them.