Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Government Is the Real Pervert

An Illinois National Guard soldier in Afghanistan has been charged by the U.S. Army with possessing child pornography over pictures of a young relative his mother says she sent him.- Illinois soldier held in Afghanistan over child porn charges

How about those airport full-body scans that the government wants to impose on us, though? What about the children that fly? If our ruling sickos see child porn everywhere, why not there? As always, it's the state that is the real criminal.


  1. This is utterly absurd. Those were innocent pictures of a relative. This was not even close to child pornography. These days The government seems to be ging after the good guys and leaving alone the pond scum criminals.

    This definitely needs to go viral.

  2. Censorship sucks, airport security sucks. *sigh* Change, where are you?


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