Saturday, November 7, 2009

I think I'm going to be sick

What kind of sick piece of garbage would make a video game like this? (Warning: *not* safe for work.)


  1. "The striking grimness of the contained events, combined with the memory of their transgression, created a very real pathos towards the victims, their killers, and having to deal with consequences for those of us left in the wake. It was certainly not the self-indulgent killfest that many have deemed it." - Dustin, SCMRPG player

    Actually I don't think it's that bad...but yes it is made for shock value I guess...

  2. i think you answered it, it was made by "sick piece of garbage".

  3. "What kind of sick piece of garbage would make a video game like this?"

    The same fucking stupid kind that shoots up schools in the first place."


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