Monday, November 30, 2009

Fifty Things do NOW!

Such as No. 24: Get over it: Voting doesn't help at all.

And No. 39: Stop obeying the state in some new way. Tell your friends about your success doing so.

And one that is great advice, No. 2: Switch off the TV. Read books!

I read a lot, but still have to break the TV habit. I waste far too many hours watching reruns of old sitcoms.


  1. Time enjoyed is rarely time wasted. Why not watch some Dicovery or History channel stuff, it's almost like reading (as long as it's not a show about UFOs, bigfoot or ghosts).

  2. Why not watch some Dicovery or History channel stuff

    Actually, I watch hours and hours of those channels, so much so that I'm now considered an expert on all things Hitler. Seriously, I've learned a great deal from watching them, and I find that in many cases I retain the information even better than the things I've acquired from my reading.

    But I still spend too much time watching television, and I still think books are better.

    (as long as it's not a show about UFOs, bigfoot or ghosts)

    But what if you ENJOY those? My mom, for example, can't get enough of anything UFO. And at least the UFO shows are not as boring as the dreadful ghost programs.

    Bigfoot? Who the hell cares about Bigfoot anymore? So 1970s!


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