Saturday, November 22, 2008

Imagine No Censorship of Billboards

General Outdoor Advertising has caved in to pressure and taken down a billboard paid for by the Freedom From Religion Foundation. The city of Rancho Cucamonga had received 90 complaints and "asked if there was a way to get it removed." Is this what a city government does? (well, in a way yes, as such local governments are always filled with little nanny state nazis). This goes beyond ordinary nanny statism, however, and involves itself in first amendment issues. Private censorship is one thing, but government lobbying on behalf of religion is another.

"We're being censored," said Annie Laurie Gaylor, co-president of the Freedom From Religion Foundation.

Judy Rooze, administrator of First Baptist Church of Rancho Cucamonga, which is two blocks from the billboard, was relieved it was coming down.

Rooze said it was unsettling.

"I understand people have freedom of speech, but this is taking it too far," she said. "It's very jarring."

How does Judy Rooze understand freedom of speech when she thinks an innocuous billboard message like "Imagine No Religion" (inspired by John Lennon's classic song) is "taking it too far"? Poor little piece of shit bitch, Jewish zombie worshiping, moron Judy Rooze thinks it's "jarring." Well, FUCK YOU, Judy, and all your First Baptist Church retard coreligionists. Maybe all your friends in right wing talk radio will finally shut their mouths about those "intolerant atheists" who want to remove crosses and creches from public property. Here we have PRIVATE property, a billboard, being attacked and not just criticized by fucktarded Jesus Christ ass kissing losers, but the use of government by these fools to help get it removed!

Who are the intolerant? Who wants to silence whom?

I'll give you "jarring". Jesus is dead and he's never coming back, so you can kiss your rapture, your second coming and your New Jerusalem goodbye.

Or, as Lennon said in another song: There ain't no Jesus gonna come from the sky.

Let's make a billboard out of that!

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