The U.S. and almost all nations today in our age of mass societies and Big Media Propaganda whip up war-lust among their people before attacking other nations.
The Nazis were masters of false-flag attacks, such as dressing up dead men in Polish uniforms and planting them on German soil and then screaming "Poland Is invading Germany!," which Poland would have done only if they had gone totally insane because it was obvious that Germany could annihilate them quickly, as it did after the false-flag attacks whipped the German people up for war [though probably not as much as the Nazis hoped to do].
The U.S. always goes to war ONLY under waving banners of righteous indignation over "Enemy attacks on the U.S.," "Terrorist threats against the U.S." and so on. Some of these immense Media Propaganda Barrages on Americans have been carefully whipped up by the administration in power, as Wilson did to prep Americans for WWI and as FDR did to push the U.S. into WWII to save the U.K. Some have been totally false-flag Big Lies, as was LBJ's "North Vietnamese attack on U.S. ships in the Tonkin Gulf" and Bush 2's "Iraqi WMD's Threaten America!" Some have been attacks by some small group within a huge nation, such as al-Queda in Afghanistan, which the U.S. used as a pretext for annihilating the whole nation with immense bomb and rocket attacks and then invading the whole nation and occupying it and killing and maiming and uprooting masses of people. I
The U.S. has been working furiously to develop Cyber-War technologies, both offensive and defensive. The U.S. apparently worked with Israel to launch an extremely complex and dangerous Cyber-War Attack on Iran's nuclear energy facilities in total secrecy and with not the slightest provocation from any Cyber Attacks from Iran, not even alleged, since Iran was hardly working on Cyber-War and that's how they got hit so hard by the secret Stuxnet attack on their nuclear energy programs.
Now the U.S. is openly declaring that it will use "Cyber Attacks" on important U.S. facilities as "causes of just war" for counter attacks with conventional military forces.
It will be totally easy for the U.S. to fake Cyber-Attacks on the U.S. any time they want from any supposed source in the world.
The world will come to see this as a threat to all developed nations from U.S. military attacks, as soon as they digest this news and think it out.
The U.S. has started another great armaments races, just as it did with nuclear weapons and many others. LIke all paranoids, the U.S. will insist "They're the ones attacking us!" but in fact it is the U.S. attacking the world, as it attacked Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia [many times], Yemen, Iran......
Nations with great high-tech capabilities and futures, such as China and Russia and Iran and India and Europe, must now arm themselves for cyber-war with the U.S. and conventional war.
As long as the American people believe these Big Military-Industrial-High Tech Lies, the U.S. will continue using them to produce terrible wars against largely defenseless little nations and then losing the immense wars to the tiny guerilla armies of peasants defending their homes and families.
Like paranoids so commonly, the U.S. has turned almost everyone against it, though few dare say so publicly to the Superpower. The U.S. sees enemies everywhere even when there are none and this makes everyone eventually an enemy. Paranoids become unintentional self-murderers.
The sane and reasonable and judicious thing for the U.S. to do would be to develop better and better DEFENSES AGAINST CYBER-ATTACKS, exactly as the U.S. private high-tech world is doing, not using "possible" future cyber-attacks as a justification for developing cyber-offenses and threatening all out military attacks. (republished from Lew Rockwell under the following: Copyright © 2011 by Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit is given.)
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