Thursday, June 30, 2011

Police Brutality in Greece

The filthy pigs are the same all over the world!

"Cops, pigs, murderers!" chanted the crowd at a line of white-helmeted riot police as tear gas projectiles turned the air outside parliament white. A line of protesters joined hands in a traditional Greek dance in front of police lines.-Violence flares before key Greek austerity vote

And yet, some "liberals" are in love with cops and call them the good guys! Strange, when the cops take the side of the ruling class against the people. The armed thugs of the state have but one real purpose, to protect and serve their masters by keeping that ruling class and the state corporate system in power.


  1. I know you're trying to imply I'm the one in love with cops, but I'm not the one who brings them up on a regular basis. I am beginning to wonder if you have a thing for uniforms, because I see them on the front page all the time.

    I think it's perfectly reasonable to see a difference between criticizing police brutality and pretending we would be better without any police at all. Some cops are criminals, some are heroes, most are just normal people doing a tough job adequately.

  2. Greece is a tiny country compared to America, yet she's full of rich people like America, and has huge debts like America. She cannot ,however, print money like America. That's why the cops are 'active' in Greece, but not yet in America.

  3. Bret, I've explained this before. It's the nature of the job that makes them "bad". You cannot be a cop without being an aggressor, without violating some non-violent person's rights. It's impossible not to because you become the enforcer of the arbitrary "laws" of the state.

    Therefore, to be a cop is to be a criminal, by definition.

    I am beginning to wonder if you have a thing for uniforms, because I see them on the front page all the time.

    I hate uniforms. Uniforms symbolize everything wrong with an evil system that must be abolished. And cops make the posts here a lot only because they commit so many evil acts. We are "exposing" things here, are we not?

  4. To make such a blanket statement for the purpose of generalizing and dismissing an entire group of people is not productive.


    "Anarchists just want to force their ideas down our throats. People want government, but a tiny, small, insignificant group of white males are sick of paying taxes, so they have no problem with completely wrecking society in the childish pursuit of keeping every last scrap of what they earn just for themselves. Therefore, all anarchists are actually violent because they wish to force their ideas on the other 99.9999% of us."

    It's just not a wise way of phrasing your argument. You yourself have repeatedly admitted that you want police, just not state police (I guess because you only want the rich to be protected at all, and we can just get rid of those last little shreds of justice the poor still have). There is zero difference between a private police force and a public one, besides the fact that a private police force has less oversight and less means of protesting against them in a fashion that is constitutionally protected.

  5. Oh and another note: the people of Greece are doing what you've wanted for years: taking to the streets in protest. Only... they're fighting for my ideals, not yours. Just thought I'd point that out.

  6. You're a moron, Bret. I'm opposed to private property, so, no, I don't want private "police", at least not in the sense you're probably implying. But more importantly, even now, private security doesn't go around enforcing things like drug laws by breaking into peoples homes, or shooting down Native American woodcarvers while they're not harming anyone, just carving a piece of wood in public (actual incident).

    Your pathetic "example" misses the point completely. It is not about making blanket statements condemning entire groups of people. As I wrote, it is about the very nature of the job of being a cop. You can not do that "job" without violating the rights of others. Period. It comes with the territory. No one is forced to join the state's armed thug force.

    As for anarchists, since all they want to is be left alone, they aren't seeking to force anything on anyone. And anarchists are on the side of the poor and oppressed, actually wanting to end the state capitalist exploitation of the working class, so you obviously have no idea what you're talking about.

    You also continue to show your sad lack of reading comprehension skills. It's not about how I "phrase" the argument, it is the argument.

    (I guess because you only want the rich to be protected at all, and we can just get rid of those last little shreds of justice the poor still have)

    Since the police spend so much of their time arresting and jailing poor people for non-crimes, I know you must be joking.

    The cops are there to protect the interests of the ruling class. You are just another one of their useful idiots.

  7. I think you should research the difference between anecdotal evidence and statistical evidence. Just in general, that would help you out.

    I can acknowledge basically every direct and qualified accusation you've made about police. Some abuse their power, some of those are then shielded from justice by others, the general enforcement of the law is prejudiced along racial and class lines, that laws are made by the rich and for the rich... but I can also acknowledge that each and every one of those problems can be directly addressed if action is taken.

    I guess stirring up hatred or vitriol or whatever is fine if the goal is to aim it towards affecting real, comprehensive changes to the way laws are written and enforced... I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

    Rather than just tell me I don't know what your opinion is on what we should be doing, I would be happy to read your plan.

  8. I think you should research the difference between anecdotal evidence and statistical evidence.

    This single line indicates that you didn't understand what I said. Think about it.

  9. The fact that you only addressed one line indicates you didn't even try to understand what I said. Think about it if you want, or don't.


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