Sunday, December 12, 2010


Finally on Twitter. Now what?


  1. Now you travel back in time 2 years to when it was relevant and have a blast sharing with everyone the minutiae of your life.

  2. The minutiae of my life will always be relevant.

  3. I'm going to post lots of tweets telling people to read more Bret "Ginx" Alan.

  4. I'm going to post lots of tweets telling people to read more Bret "Ginx" Alan.

    I knew nothing good could ever come of Twitter...

  5. I know, Bret. Twitter is obviously quite evil.

    By the way, if any other SE contributors have Twitter accounts and would like a link to their Twitter profile here at Skeptical Eye, just let me know and I'll be glad to link to it in the sidebar.

  6. I've gained a great deal of traffic with twitter.


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