Thursday, December 30, 2010

How To Catch Women?

Is this still the attitude of most young men? Yeah. I don't know much about that kind of a "hunt", because I've always been a long-term relationship guy (been with my beautiful, wonderful woman for 6 years) and even when younger it was always a girlfriend I was after, not just immediate sex (not that I wouldn't have taken it at that age if freely offered without any effort on my part).

As a young fellow I worked shifts so the weekends were not exactly special for me. I would go out from Monday to Thursday inclusive to hunt for women. It wasn't a case of looking for this or that type of girl, all I was after was a jump and if you are willing to dedicate four nights a week to the hunt, then pussy will come your way. I was lucky in the sense that I drove a nice car and looked like a rising young executive, however by the time madam had discovered the truth about me it was too late and another notch had been added to my cock. My relationships lasted on average about four to six weeks, and then I started again hunting for a fresh source of leg-over material. Between the ages of 18 and 28 I reckon that I averaged between six to ten women a year for that decade. I can't be more precise: after all those years the faces kind of blur and the memory fades.-How to catch women

Six to ten women a year for ten years? I haven't been with six to ten women my whole life (I count four off the top of my head).


  1. He admits himself, he's not into women, as in people, he's interested in their vaginas. If they put human vaginas on camels, I'm sure he'd just buy a herd of camels and save himself the effort.

  2. Kudos to you for being with your girl for six years!! That is a tremendous feat these days (or for some, at least)!

  3. I followed the link to Mr. “How to catch women” and what is available to respect?

    Looks like Mr. “How to catch women” is just a narcissist parasite.

    Relationships are complicated or simple affairs depending on the desired or required goal, Mr. “How to catch women” only wanted some warm flesh to poke his stick into, if that is all you want, you have no guilt and don’t mind “using” people then plenty of “it” is available. It never ceases to surprise me how simple it is to “win” to “be on top” if you just give in to narcissistic greed, humans are suckers for a good shuck-n-jive, and a nice face...

    Humans are “serially monogamous” and if the relationship is consensual with all participants capable of sentient choice - it remains the business of the participants.

    We all know parasites male and female, heterosexual and other, this fellow is just a typical parasite using money and status for gaining consensual (if not possibly fraudulent) “poon” and seems happy with that situation... And if any of you wonder why Mexicans hate the “gringo bastards” this fellow is not helping that situation.


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