Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Bradley Manning Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

Bradley Manning has been nominated independently by two groups for the most prestigious international award for advocating peace. Both the Oklahoma Center for Conscience and Peace Research [Source] and three Icelandic members of Parliament [Source].

Why does he deserve the award? Because Bradley Manning did the right thing, and for it he was punished.

Support a real American hero, support Bradley Manning.


  1. The 2nd picture is not Bradley E. Manning. It is Kenneth Bradley Manning. No relationship whatsoever.

    1. I can't find anything confirming you're right... or that I was right, so I'll take it down. I found three other sources (one was even a newspaper) that showed the second image of him, but it was called into question whether or not it was really him on all three sources, so I will just concede that I don't know and not risk repeating an error.


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