Sunday, April 24, 2011

Bad Real Estate Market Gets Positive Spin By Statist, Pro-Obama Mainstream Media

In this distant Chicago suburb, a builder has finally found a way to persuade people to buy a new house: he throws in a car.-Builders of new homes see no signs of recovery

More and more, I am finding stories produced by the mainstream media where the headline doesn’t jibe with the actual story that follows. A USA Today (newspaper) story from the “Money” section yesterday is a great example of what I am talking about. The headline read “Rising home sales point to a recovery.” On the very next line, just under the headline, the sub-headline read “ Prices expected to keep falling 5% to 7% this year.” So we have a recovery but prices are falling? What kind of a recovery is that?

Mainstream Media Puts Good Spin on Bad Real Estate Market

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