Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Canada (almost) Legalizes Marijuana

Pot lovers are dreaming of July 10, the day Canada’s dope laws go up in smoke.

An Ontario judge has struck down key aspects of Canada’s marijuana laws, triggering a 90-day countdown when growing, possessing or smoking pot will become legal.-Ruling opens the door to legalize marijuana in Canada

1 comment:

  1. Like, far out, right, eh?

    Back in the mid-90s I took a trip out west. We were hanging with a couple of guys doing the doobie in a public park. I noticed there was a cop car but no action was taken.

    We were told that in Vancouver - even before all this legalize stuff took place - the cops tolerated it as long as they contained it.

    Out "East" we were considered too "harsh" on the whole issue.

    So it's not surprising we're inching our way - even in tight-ass Ontario.


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