Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Dennis Kucinich on Ron Paul

Nick Michelewicz asks Dennis Kucinich who he would choose as a running mate if he had to choose from the GOP. Without hesitation Kucinich chooses Ron Paul.

He also says if he was the Democratic nominee, he would consider Ron Paul as his VP running mate.


  1. Being the best out of all the Republican? That's like winning gold in the special olympics. Yeah, you won, but you're still retarded.

  2. Ginx, is that a comment on Republicans, or just another chance for you to bash Ron Paul again? I could say the same thing about the Democrats and Kucinich. If you actually think one of the two parties is better than the other, you're just a phony, lying hypocrite and nothing more than a pretender.

    Kucinich was asked if he was a Republican running for President, who he would choose, then said even if he was the Democratic nominee, he would consider Ron Paul.

    You see, unlike some who are merely posers, Kucinich really is committed to changing things, and he knows what Ron Paul represents, a break with the two party National Security State consensus.

  3. One of the two major parties is better than the other, it's just that neither is adequate (and that's putting it politely... I think competent is more apt).

    And excuse me for not respecting a guy who has been in Congress for 32 years and rails against the establishment.

  4. Oh, and I have the proper metaphor for Kucinich and the Democrats:

    Being the best Democrat is like winning the all female puppy fighting league championship. You may be the toughest out of all of them, but you're still a little bitch.

  5. Please, if I may;
    Constitutionally, legislatively, and morally, Ron Paul has no equal. His 22 year voting record speaks for itself.
    Mr. Paul has not survived in politics for 22 years and maintain the ethics and morality he has by being anything other than stellar.
    If You refute the above comment, then I please invite You to listen to him speak about key issues. It is amazing how well he comes across because he doesn’t have to remember lies like other politicians. He understands what is happening in the world and knows how to apply the basic principles of liberty to achieve the real change that America so desperately deserves.
    American to American we are all on the same team. So I present Mr. Ron Paul as my Candidate for 2011 and invite anybody to meaningfully and respectfully debate why he is not the best for American and its people in 2012.
    Ron Paul = A real change, not for special interest, but for America’s Interests!
    Thank You for Your time
    Ron Paul 2012

  6. Ron Paul is a shill for the conservative plan to hand all power over to the unelected nobility of the upperclass. He's a pork barrel loving, abortion hating, good for nothing piece of shit. To shoot him in the face would be a waste of a bullet.

  7. Ron Paul is a shill for the conservative plan to hand all power over to the unelected nobility of the upperclass. He's a pork barrel loving, abortion hating, good for nothing piece of shit. To shoot him in the face would be a waste of a bullet.

    Where do you come up with this shit, you fucking intellectually dishonest, fucked up fool?

    Let's see, Ron Paul wants to end the drug war, which is the major catalyst for the unending curtailments on civil liberties and police abuses and violations of the fourth amendment.

    He wants to abolish the Federal Reserve, the engine of the elitist banking and corporate welfare system.

    He wants to end our foreign wars and bring all the troops home and dismantle the American Empire, which is costing us trillions.

    Then you, in your pitiful ignorance and stupidity (why should I be surprised after all the fucking bullshit you've posted?) make your sorry, worthless comment?

    good for nothing piece of shit.

    Good for literally nothing? Having a voice in the Congress speak out against our support of dictators overseas, is "good for nothing"? To call to account our leaders for their murder of civilians with taxpayer dollars, also "good for nothing"?

    To stand consistently for the Bill of Rights, good for nothing?

    If anyone is good for nothing, it's you, you worthless piece of dog shit!

    Let's see, a phony poser and pretender to "liberalism" (you don't know the meaning of the word, asshole!) who kisses cop ass and loves the police and thinks private security guards at the local mall are a bigger threat than those who gun down people in their homes while wearing the uniforms of the state.

    Go fuck yourself!

  8. You go, bunny rabbit! This ginx is a moron!

  9. Whoa, This "Ginx" is one sad out of touch soul, lunatic, or phoney liar. Ron Paul is a patriotic, Constitution of the USA, and Bill of Rights supporter that has always worked for WE THE PEOPLE, not the bankers, corporations, and warmonger military interests. That poor Ginx fella needs a padded room and straight jacket.


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