Sunday, December 5, 2010

Central Banks Gold Lending Secrecy

Lending of gold by central banks depresses the price and the only possible reasons for the secrecy around it are manipulation of the gold market and the enrichment, through inside information, of the financial houses to which central banks lend their gold, a study by New Orleans coin and bullion dealer Blanchard & Co. has found.

The study, written by Blanchard's vice president and director of economic research, Neal R. Ryan, published today, calls on the International Monetary Fund to require central banks to make complete and frequent disclosure of their gold lending and thereby equalize information in the gold market.

In its own studies this year, the IMF already had acknowledged the inadequacy of central bank gold accounting, and Ryan says he has forwarded his study's recommendations to the IMF and has been told he will receive a response soon.

Secrecy of central bank gold lending condemned in new study

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