Saturday, December 4, 2010

Alcohol Treatment Today

My mom grew up with a family of alcoholics. It seemed to run in her family. Her father was a heavy drinker (mostly whiskey) and would become violent when he was drunk. Her mother (my grandmother) also started drinking in those early years, and though it didn't affect her as much as her husband (they eventually divorced when Mom was still a child)  she did pay a big price in her later years with various health issues.

Alcohol Treatment today has made many advances and there are many options available for alcoholics and alcohol abusers. This is important when you realize the long term costs of excessive alcohol use, and that alcoholism can start at any age. It may start as simple occasional abuse of the intoxicant, then lead to actual alcoholism. If you or someone you know or love could benefit from Alcohol Rehab and the help available to those suffering from the addiction, you may want to learn more about The Retreat.  So visit The Retreat website. They specialize in alcohol treatment and rehab and have a large group of volunteers who know firsthand the effects of alcoholism on the lives of individuals and families.  It could open the door to a happier, healthier and more satisfying (and sober) life free from addiction.


  1. interesting that alcholol is not illegal, as are other drugs. please also note that drug abusers although illegal, are treated with our tax dollars and can collect disability Social Security and NOT work. And here i am still slugging away not seeing any retirment age in sight.

  2. Alcohol is a drug, plentiful and inexpensive, the production of the “legal” drugs nicotine and alcohol are included in the most profitable manufacturing areas in the US.

    Would it surprise anyone if thousands if not millions of dollars are used by the above “legal” drug manufacturers to suppress the competition of “illegal drugs” like Cannabis indica/Cannabis sativa.

    Intoxicants are simply intoxicants, chemical tools used for medical and recreational use by humans having no evil or good only the resulting use and/or abuse that produces “good or evil."


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