Michael, of "MOX News" has posted thousands of video clips from the major cable news networks over the years. Many of those videos I've posted here at SE. So, a few days ago, going through some old posts, I discover that a video post has had its video taken down by YouTube. To my horror, I realize that numerous other posts here must have suffered the same fate. Upon going to Michael's website, I realize the horrible truth. Two of his YouTube channels have been taken down!
Michael has hope that those videos will be back and his other channels restored, but I have my very serious doubts. We don't live in a time of respect or following of the law even in regard to legal activity, such as "Fair Use" of copyrighted material. Whether what Michael does falls under the legal definition of Fair Use or not, even those who carefully follow the letter of the law are targeted for copyright violations in the new fascist, corporation-controlled America, so it really wouldn't matter. The truth is, "Intellectual Property" is the real crime and the actual fraud, and it needs to have the state's backing removed, which means, really, finally ending the state once and for all so that a truly free society can develop and replace it.
Michael, by the way, carries on, diligently continuing to post videos on yet another incarnation of his seemingly unstoppable YouTube presence. Go Michael!
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