Saturday, December 24, 2011

Bradley Manning vs the US military

The case of Bradley Manning versus the US military and the implications for whistleblowers.

On the coverage of Manning by the statist US pro-government media, this statement from the video couldn't say it better:

When there is coverage, it's very much through the lens of the state

Do you remember when our current Liar-in-Chief Barack Obama said that he would support government whistleblowers? Of course, just like he said that the "first" thing he would do when he became president would be to end the war in Iraq (and didn't do), he lied about supporting government whistleblowers.

Here is someone who actually does support government whistleblowers.-Ron Paul Supports Hero Bradley Manning (Unlike Our Current President)

In a rally from January, Ron Paul, who wants to be Commander in Chief, says that we shouldn't punish people for leaking classified information.

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