Thursday, June 25, 2015

Ban Johnny Cash!

...Hey, he sang the praises of the General Lee, the Dodge Charger with the Confederate battle flag on the roof. Why not? The filthy, dirty, disgusting leftists are calling for the destruction of history and the banishment of everything from the flag to Gone With the Wind.

Johnny Cash - General Lee

Johnny Cash - General Lee Dukes of Hazzard Soundtrack

Confederate flag: Walter E. Block

From: Bob Sent: Thu 6/25/2015 10:11 AM To: Walter Block Subject: I “identify as” Eric Blair

Dear Walter,

This either will or will not resonate with you: The company that makes Matchbox cars no longer will produce the Dukes of Hazzard “General Lee” Dodge Charger with the Confederate flag painted on its roof. If you go to E-bay you will see these cars now selling for hundreds of dollars. (Ain’t markets wonderful!) Now, I’m a gut reflex northerner. Most or all of my family arrived in the U.S. long after the Civil War was over. Had they been here, I doubt that they would have been in favor of slavery or been southern sympathizers. Personally, I don’t think that slavery was something with which I would have sympathized (I understand and respect your more complex view). Not having a television, I’ve never seen a Dukes of Hazzard episode. But retroactively undoing the flag symbolism on the car smacks of pure Memory Hole.

Rant over, back to work.

Best, Bob

Dear Bob:

I plan to blog this, but I’ll keep you anonymous.

For my response, gentle reader, keep reading

There was no “civil war” in 1861. This was a war of northern aggression. ‘Twas a war to prevent southern secession. The north had slavery too in those days, so getting rid of the southern (Confederate) flag, but not the northern, is hardly symbolic of opposing slavery. Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation ended slavery only in the south, not the north. Yes, “memory hole” indeed. Do read Tom DiLorenzo on this important issue.

Thanks for acknowledging my “complex” views on slavery. Here is a bibliography on voluntary slavery:

Andersson, 2007; Block, 1969, 1979, 1988, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007A, 2007B, 2009A, 2009B; Frederick, 2014; Kershnar, 2003; Lester, 2000; Mosquito, 2014; Nozick, 1974, pp. 58, 283, 331; Steiner, 1994, pp. 232; Thomson, 1990

Andersson, Anna-Karin. 2007. “An alleged contradiction in Nozick’s entitlement theory” Journal of Libertarian Studies, Vol. 21, No. 3, Fall: 43–63;

Block, Walter. 1969. “Voluntary Slavery.” The Libertarian Connection, Vol. I, No. 3, April 13, pp. 9-11.

Block, Walter E. 1979. Book review of Nancy C. Baker, Baby Selling: the Scandal of Black Market Adoptions, New York: The Vanguard Press, 1978; in Libertarian Review, January, Vol. 7, No. 12, pp. 44-45.

Block, Walter E. 1988. “Rent-a-womb market,” Thunder Bay Ontario Daily; June 26.

Block, Walter E. 1999. “Market Inalienability Once Again: Reply to Radin,” Thomas Jefferson Law Journal, Vol. 22, No. 1, Fall, pp. 37-88;

Block, Walter E. 2001. “Alienability, Inalienability, Paternalism and the Law: Reply to Kronman,” American Journal of Criminal Law, Vol. 28, No. 3, Summer, pp. 351-371;

Block, Walter E. 2002. “A Libertarian Theory of Secession and Slavery,” June 10;;

Block, Walter E. 2003. “Toward a Libertarian Theory of Inalienability: A Critique of Rothbard, Barnett, Gordon, Smith, Kinsella and Epstein,” Journal of Libertarian Studies, Vol.17, No. 2, Spring, pp. 39-85;

Block, Walter E. 2004. “Are Alienability and the Apriori of Argument Logically Incompatible?” Dialogue, Vol. 1, No. 1.

Block, Walter E. 2005. “Ayn Rand and Austrian Economics: Two Peas in a Pod.” The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies. Vol. 6, No. 2, Spring, pp. 259-269

Block, Walter E. 2006. “Epstein on alienation: a rejoinder” International Journal of Social Economics; Vol. 33, Nos. 3-4, pp. 241-260

Block, Walter E. 2007A. “Secession,” Dialogue. No. 4; pp. 1-14;

Block, Walter E. 2007B. “Alienability: Reply to Kuflik.” Humanomics Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 117-136;;jsessionid=0685BBB744173274A5E7CE3803132413?contentType=Article&contentId=1626605

Block, Walter E. 2009A. “Yes, Sell Rivers! And Make Legal Some Slave Contracts” The Tyee. July 25;

Block, Walter E. 2009B. “Privatizing Rivers and Voluntary Slave Contracts” July 27;

Frederick, Danny. 2014. “Voluntary Slavery,” Las Torres de Lucca 4: 115-37, voluntaria&Itemid=24&lang=en

Kershnar, Stephen. 2003. “A Liberal Argument for Slavery,” Journal of Social Philosophy, 34 (4): 510-36.

Lester, Jan Clifford. 2000. Escape from Leviathan. St. Martin’s Press.

Mosquito, Bionic. 2014. “The Sanctity of Contract.” April 19;

“Take the case of slavery. Why should people not be allowed to sign private contracts binding them to slavery? In fact economists have consistently argued against slavery – during the 19th century David Ricardo and John Stuart Mill engaged in a heated public debate with literary luminaries such as Charles Dickens, with the economists opposing slavery, and the literary giants arguing in favor.” –Against Intellectual Monopoly, p. 254.

Nozick, Robert. 1974. Anarchy, State and Utopia, New York: Basic Books,

Steiner, Hillel. 1994. An Essay on Rights, Oxford: Blackwell Publishers

Thomson, Judith Jarvis. 1990. The Realm of Rights, Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press, pp. 283-84.

-LRC Blog

Waylon Jennings - Dukes Of Hazzard "Good Ol' Boys" Theme Song

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