Friday, May 29, 2015

This is what Sam Harris believes can and should replace philosophy and traditional morality

I note that it isn't any of the pro-vaxxers, the climate change scammers, the "I fucking love science" crowd or the True Believers in evolution that are calling out this vast quantity of scientific fraud, but rather the science skeptics, like me, who have repeatedly and reliably observed that the human element of the profession has indelibly tainted all confidence in the process.

: And then recall that this is what Sam Harris believes can and should replace philosophy and traditional morality as an effective guide to human behavior. - Scientistry is not scientody


  1. Yeah, when he's not engaging in intellectual dishonesty (as when he (ahem) argues against free-trade, as here), ol' Vox can make a fair point.

  2. Well, I agree. Vox is definitely a mixed bag of truth and idiocy. Sometimes I love what he says, and sometimes I just shake my head.


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