Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sour Milk

There are so many reasons to take our power back and refuse to support the corporate takeover of our world. But here's another.

Dairy farmers from across America are coming together to tell stories of price manipulation, antitrust violations and more, that have ultimately led to the loss of their herds, their farms, their livelihoods and in some cases even their own lives.

Here is yet another example of the corporate fascist saturation of our governmental administrations. It IS virtually corporate ownership of gov't officials.

Dairy farmers are being squeezed out of business as other sectors of the food industry demand a greater share of the consumer's dollar, farmers attending a federal hearing testified Friday.

The current system leaves dairy farmers with little or no profit, several said at a U.S. Department of Justice hearing on antitrust issues in the dairy industry. The hearing attracted hundreds of farmers from around the country to the University of Wisconsin-Madison.-Dairy farmers: Shrinking profits pinching industry

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