Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Abortion vs Childbirth

Abortion does not impose harm because it inflicts no physical harm on the fetus and it inflicts no moral harm because it does not prevent the fulfillment of any conscious values, since the fetus has none. Rather, it is childbirth that imposes harm on a person, since it exposes a person to an incalculable number of risks of harm and suffering without their consent. There is no more freedom to force someone into a game of Russian Roulette without their consent than there is freedom to force someone to exist without their consent.-Francois Tremblay


  1. Wrong.

    Your comment is not too well-versed on human fetal development, and deflects onto the nebulous and mostly irrelevant issues of "conscious values," which are important only to Internet Debaters Who Fancy Themselves As Intellectuals.

    It's a human life. Your argument could be used as justification for murdering a living human adult whose intellectual capacity is narrow. What are "conscious values," anyway?

    On the other hand, well done for making a mockery out of something that bears on human beings' respect (or not) for other living creatures.

    1. "It's a human life. Your argument could be used as justification for murdering a living human adult whose intellectual capacity is narrow. What are "conscious values," anyway?"

      The issue was to consider what was inflicting moral harm. Nowhere in my quote do I conclude that not inflicting harm makes an action desirable in itself. I may be an Internet Debater, but you're an Internet Debater Making Shit Up.

      "On the other hand, well done for making a mockery out of something that bears on human beings' respect (or not) for other living creatures."

      This is hard to understand. Are you arguing that I am making a mockery of the harm argument by turning it pro-murder? I didn't make it pro-murder, I was using it as point for the pro-abortion position. The fact that you want to twist that into some kind of anti-respect for living creatures nonsense is not my problem. Read the entry, you dolt.


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