Globally, there have been questions over Monsanto’s role in the Agriculture Appropriations Bill in the US and how some proposed amendments in the Bill were allegedly explicitly meant to hasten clearances of GM varieties. In Mexico, activists have been protesting for months over the possible clearance of GM crops, allegedly under pressure from Monsanto.
"Over the years, Monsanto has managed to push through government policies for its own good. They also illegitimately charge huge royalty from Indian seed companies which keeps seeds prices high in the country. In some cases, the royalty is around 200 per cent of the seed cost, while worldover it is just five-eight per cent," said G V Ramanjaneyulu, executive director of the Centre for Sustainable Agriculture, Hyderabad. He said Monsanto as a company has repeatedly violated India's bio-safety and bio-diversity laws over the years.
But, in between all this, Monsanto has gone ahead here and is now among the top vegetable and corn seed producers in India.-Monsanto in India: A success coexisting with controversies
And while we're on the subject of Monsanto...
Scientists in Norway have released results from experimental feeding studies carried out over a 10-year period, and the verdict is in: If you want to avoid obesity, then avoid eating genetically engineered (GE) corn, corn-based products, and animals that are fed a diet of GE grain.
As reported by, the project also looked at the effects on organ changes, and researchers found sign
Most people just think of soda when they hear the name “Pepsi.” But in fact, PepsiCo is the nation’s largest food company and second largest in the world. Its annual earnings top $60 billion, from a dizzying array of brands. Walk down almost any supermarket aisle (soda, snacks, cereal, juice) and you’re likely to bump into a PepsiCo-owned product.
This explains why the company is the top contributor among food makers to the “No on 37″ campaign in California — a ballot initiative that would require labeling of foods containing GMO ingredients. Also, as I wrote about recently, PepsiCo is a member of the Grocery Manufacturers Association, a powerful trade group that has so far contributed $375,000 to the No on 37 campaign.
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