Monday, August 25, 2014

Reasons Why Communism Sucks

Reason #8: Another mushy-headed concept which communists like to harp on is "the means of production." In short, they wanted some excuse that sounded philosophical that would justify stealing factories. But to try to define this is any specific or rational sort of way is impossible.

Again, consider the island analogy. Two people are on an island. One finds a rock and a stick and makes a spear, while the other sits on his butt. The guy with the spear then says, "Hey, I made a spear, and if you can use my spear to get a fish, we can split the fish between us." But as it happens, the other guy is a communist, declares the spear to be "capital" constituting the "means of production," bitches about being oppressed by the other guy's offer, slugs the guy and steals his spear. Because to ACCEPT the guy's perfectly reasonable offer is to accept capitalism.

Yes, you can try to make up some distinction between a spear and a factory, but that distinction will be based on envy and emotion, not actual moral or philosophical principles. If the first guy took two weeks to build a boat, and then offered to let the other guy use it to go catch bigger fish, would the boat-builder be some evil capitalist oppressor? After all, how dare he benefit from the "labor" of the other guy? (Never mind what he had to do to GET the boat.) The other guy neeeeeeeeds a boat to fish! He should seize it, and righteously overthrow the evil oppressors in the name of the collective (which in that case, is just him)!

Or he could choose NOT to be a dumbass, accept capitalism and the concept of private property, take the deal, and BOTH could benefit from the arrangement.-
Larken Rose

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