Sunday, December 16, 2012

The Sunday Jesus: Figs!

Remember the parable of the fig tree? Now it all makes sense!

The hacking collective known as Anonymous renewed their war on the Westboro Baptist Church today. After the haters from the infamous church posted their intentions to picket the funerals of the twenty children killed in the shooting at the Sandy Hook Elementary School, Anonymous responded by re-posting the personal and professional information for members of the church on the Internet. Read more: Anonymous Hacks The Westboro Baptist Church: Posts All Their Personal Information

God Didn't Stop School Shooting Because He's A Gentleman Who Doesn't Go Where Not Wanted

The insane logic of Christian theists! Yeah, those innocent children had to die because Almighty God wants prayer and bible reading in public school. At least children are safe from massacres in religious schools. Oh wait, they aren't.

1 comment:

  1. God Didn't Stop School Shooting Because He's A Gentleman Who Doesn't Go Where Not Wanted

    I don't where this notion of God being part of every aspect of our lives came from, but it's fairly toxic in Western Christianity. Remember, He flat out told Job that He doesn't have to answer to Job after all the terrible things He allowed to happen to him.


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