First, I want to preface this by saying that my hostility and disrespect for Christianity is not based on any experiences with Christians. Almost all of my experiences with Christians have been very respectful. I have nothing against Christians per se, and if someone decides to be a Christian of his own free will then I accept that (even though I wouldn't support it).
That being said, here are the biggest reasons why I have no respect for the ideology and worldview of Christianity:
1. I disrespect Christianity because it is a Big Lie. The Big Lie was a technique attributed to Hitler, by which one repeats a lie with a gigantic scope over and over until it becomes commonplace. The lies that "God exists," "God created the universe," "God created man," "Jesus existed," "Jesus was fully man and fully God," are all so nonsensical, much like any other fairy tale. But because they are given a privileged position in our society, one would not dare to say that Christianity is a lie on the same order as any other fairy tale peddled as truth (Santa Claus, tooth fairy, etc)
2. I disrespect Christianity because it is absurd. Nothing in Christianity makes sense. God is outside the universe, but thinks and acts like a material being ("he" even gets mad!). Jesus is fully man and fully divine. God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are three beings that are one that are three. Jesus was executed so he would change his own mind about a rule he made. Adam and Eve are condemned for an act for which they could not possibly have any moral responsibility. If you think about anything in the Bible for more than ten seconds, it makes absolutely no sense. That's where the occult aspect of Christianity comes in: they say you need to "have faith" and you will read these absurd stories with "new eyes."
3. I disrespect Christianity because it is immoral. As someone once said, anyone who followed the OT would be considered a murderer: anyone who followed the NT would be considered insane. This blood-soaked book, filled with stories of murder and genocide of the most horrendous immorality, is not spiritual and it is not moral. And the Jesus stories are equally immoral, although not because of their violence but because of the immoral principles that they invoke (there are exceptions, such as the parable of the stoning, although even there the moral principle underlying Jesus' actions is dubious at best).
4. I disrespect Christianity because it goes against the fundamental principles of justice. This is probably the single clearest example of why Christianity deserves to be stamped out. In Christianity, "salvation" is achieved by believing in Jesus as saviour. Then you get to go to Heaven. If you refuse to believe, then you suffer. This is what Christians believe justice is. Not judging people by their fruits, but by their belief or lack thereof in a lie and a fiction. By any reasonable human standards, there are millions of morally upright people, even heroes, who are condemned by Christianity for not believing in Jesus. Christianity rejects everything that is good in human beings in the name of being a good Christian believer: therefore it stands against everyone, everywhere, even Christians (although of course Christians believe that they are worthless sinners, and so have no good in them apart from Christianity- this is how they justify hating morally good atheists).
5. I disrespect Christianity because it contradicts the very essence of human existence. If Christianity is true, then our lives have no purpose, controlled by a being that we cannot understand and a plan hidden from us. If Christianity is true, then nothing else can be true, since God (or indeed any powerful transcendent agent) can make it so that 2+2=3, that the Earth does not rotate in 24 hours, or that murder is good (the last two having been done in the Bible). If Christianity is true, then we do not have free will (as, once again, proven in the Bible). If Christianity is true, then concepts are invalid (because they are predicated on induction, and induction is predicated on a uniform universe). If Christianity is true, then any meaning we find in the things around us is pure invention, because there is no truth and concepts are a sham.
In short, to be Christian contradicts what it means to be human.
When do I disrespect Christians? I disrespect Christians when they try to enforce a culture of tolerence for Christianity, and a culture of intolerence against every other worldview, morality or creed. Christianity should not be tolerated. Christianity should not be allowed to state its case without objections. It is a primitive, unjust, tribal ideology that needs to be stamped out from public discourse.
I also disrespect Christians when they show their hypocrisy through their actions. And no, I do not mean televangelists or pastors who grub for money. I mean Christians who, for instance, cry at funerals (which contradicts believing in an ever-benevolent afterlife), or commit crimes (which contradicts the belief in always being watched by an omniscient creature that judges you).
-Francois Tremblay
You can read more from Francois Tremblay at his blog Check Your Premises .
Thank you!
ReplyDeleteYou seem to have a great resentment toward people who believe in God, and who have a personal relationship with His Son. What are your beliefs? Who or what is your moral compass?
ReplyDeleteIt appears to me that your moral compass would be based on how grounded you are. Life and the choices you make are based on self. You and you alone determine what is right or wrong. What keeps you from being a promiscuous, murdering,thieving, lying individual? You?
I implore you to read this Book you speak of with the intention of understanding not of ridicule.
I do appreciate you taking the time to add the words God, Jesus and Bible so many times that Goggle puts links to sites that spreads a positive message of hope. Thank you for your help in spreading the Gospel!
"You seem to have a great resentment toward people who believe in God, and who have a personal relationship with His Son."
ReplyDeleteResentment? No. To resent someone means to feel wronged by that person. I don't feel wronged by Christians. As I said IN THE FIRST SENTENCES OF MY ENTRY:
'First, I want to preface this by saying that my hostility and disrespect for Christianity is not based on any experiences with Christians. Almost all of my experiences with Christians have been very respectful.'
Did you even read my entry at all?
"What are your beliefs?"
I believe in the power of the free, unfettered human mind.
"Who or what is your moral compass?"
Everyone has a moral compass, if they are free from indoctrination (including religious indoctrination) and are capable of very basic introspection. The moral compass is in your true self. It is part of who you are.
"It appears to me that your moral compass would be based on how grounded you are."
I like that statement. Yes, that is true of everyone.
"What keeps you from being a promiscuous, murdering,thieving, lying individual? You?"
It's certainly not religion that is stopping people from being murderous, thieving or lying. Especially when the Bible sanctions all of those things at various times, while professing to reject them.
"I implore you to read this Book you speak of with the intention of understanding not of ridicule."
I've read the Bible before with the intention of understanding. There is nothing to understand in it. So why are you imploring me to do the impossible?
"I do appreciate you taking the time to add the words God, Jesus and Bible so many times that Goggle puts links to sites that spreads a positive message of hope."
I don't think you understand how Google works. It indexes in order of LINKS, not of WORDS.
"Thank you for your help in spreading the Gospel!"
Thank you for your help in showing how inane Christians are.
Fuck Christians and FUCK THE RELIGIOUS. It's all a glazed and topped warm batch of utter SHIT.I really don't see how people believe in this stuff. I mean I understand that you've been indoctrinated since you were born but how and you not have the time or intention of releasing and freeing your mind from such illogical waste. Praise the complexity of year and years of evolution, but don't try to denounce it with lies. PEOPLE, GOD IS CANCER. FREE YOUR MINDS.
ReplyDeleteShould we free our minds to be as respectful and charitable as you seem to be? Hatred and intolerance as you exhibit is the real cancer. And you clearly demonstrate your anger and verbal violence is not indicative of any real Christian. We Christians believe it it because Christ is real and He proves it every day. By giving me the love and patience to respond to your hatred and animosity with tempered language and tone. Im not sitting here controling my vitriol. I am truly saddened that you and so many others are so hostile. Why so angry and full of hate? What did someone do to you in the name of Christ or Moses or Buddah , Alah, to warrant such anger? I am truly sorry you are have such misery from those of us that are "believers"
Delete@ Matt: "If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you."
ReplyDeleteHang tough brother. Just keep spreading the Gospel. We know that God is love, do you see love here? I happened across this site probably like you...SHOCKED at the worldliness. I'm proud of you for taking it on the chin, I do all the time.
You KNOW that "For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us who are saved it is the power of God."
Don't be upset, we know, even though it's tragic, that FEW will enter.
Blessings brother (see ya at supper!)
For All The People Who Are Still Following Their Respective Religions:-"Wake Up Ignorants,This Is The Age Of Science And Reasoning..The Earth Is No More Flat..The Universe Does Not Revolve Around Earth...etc...There Is A Reason For Evreything...People Of Ancient Times Who Were Not So Scientifically Developed Faked The Existence Of God To Answer Many Things...But Now The Age Of Reasoning Has Dawned And People Are More Aware Of The Inexistence Of God And Jesus...
ReplyDeleteAnonymous. First of all if you had the courage of your convictions you might consider using a real name. Secondly if you had any significant intelligence or knowledge you would realize that you and millions of athiests making these same shallow arguments really dont have a clue of the depth of reasoning , logic and intelligence that is involved in Judaism or Christianity,and that your so called enlighted atheism could really be found to be just as, if not more, illogical and baseless than any thiestic belief system. Many very very intelligent people, who I know are far more intelligent than you, based on your writing, would make you look like an infant in your reasoning for atheism. Dont get me wrong. I am not making the rude inverse argument that you are making, suggesting that all athiests are ignorant fools, as you have claimed people of faith to be. But, rather that there are very sound , logical arguments that would make your "faith" in no faith more irrational that one who believes in God. So I would really like to suggest that you and people who agree with you shold take a little humble pill now and then and really think through some of your arguments. Because most of what I see posted by athiests is not a very impressive witness for those who subscribe to athiesm, rather most is very inane, very sophmoric argumentation and just plain rude and base. A little better representation by both sides could probably improve this current dialogue on faith and reason that the Western World currently seems deeply involved in more than ever.