Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Christians and Government

Should Christians Obey Government?

It is tragic that most Bible-believing Christians today are misguided concerning Biblical submission to government. God never intended for Christians to blindly yield to government tyranny, blatant abusive of power, and treason against it's own citizens. What ever happened to the Bill of Rights?

America's founding father's took matters into their own hands, reviling and revolting against the higher powers. The anarchy of America's founding father's violates the philosophy of nearly every pastor and Bible-scholar today, who teach that Christians ought to unquestioningly submit to government. Hypocritically, these same religious leaders heartily enjoy freedoms which were secured only through bloodshed inflicted by rebellion and revolt against the abuse and tyranny of the higher powers (i.e., England).

1 comment:

  1. Well said!! I've been running into those types of PASTORS more now than ever before. I am so hurt at their blindness and lack of remembrance that it's scary. I have a magazine that I am launching in and through the Body of Christ and am amazed at the stonewalling I am getting from the 'churches'. I'm not asking them for money and nor am I charging people to post articles or host their own worldwide audio programs- but still they stonewall it- the mission in lifting up the decent men and women who attend 'church'. Thank you signed: Speechless


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